2: The Meeting

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Years have passed
Flug got used to everything now, how things works in Hell, people's different kind of attitudes, demon races, different places, and more!
He appreciated the place as his new home
He even got close friends with Demencia and his own creation 505
But with their boss... They're kinda not still on good terms and Flug thinks they'll never will
Because Black Hat is always evil, a pure devil himself, prideful, narcissistic, and more evil characteristics

Flug's been also trying his best to be close friends with his own boss since they've been in the same house for years
Blackhat hated it when there's someone being nice on him, he always think that they're just faking it to gain something what they really want from him
But Flug is real, sure he lies but he doesn't fake it. He hates faking his real feelings and emotions towards another

Flug always pleases his boss by his successful inventions, products and services
He also enjoys being appreciated by his boss since... His boss is the one who gave him new purpose and he was actually useful... in a good way he thought
As an angel... He's always glad to help. He actually doesn't mind if they're demons as long as he gladly helped them, and he doesn't expect any favors to be returned tho

Flug.. Became Blackhat's favorite
Not toy, not thing to be used, not even food... Just his favorite person
This was the first time that he was actually being genuinely appreciated, tho he likes it and hates it at the same time. His scientist was always doing a very good job and he can't deny that, he even made him as his right-hand-man since he never had one and never planned to have one but he did... means he trusted Flug
Though he physically harm him sometimes, even abuse him for his own satisfactions but there's something really confuse the eldritch... Flug doesn't fight back, not even trying to run away, it's like his accepting his fate on purpose and that's when the eldritch started questioning things even himself. Normally anyone he harmed will try to run away from him, even fight back... But this certain 'demon' was different

There's something also caught the eldritch's attention everytime he harm the scientist... Flug's golden blood, the smell was also similar to angels
It's been a while he haven't sensed one, but he kept convincing himself that he's just a unique 'demon', he can't be one of them
He just assumed that it was normal now since they have different demon races so he just shrugged off his deep feeling

Flug loved his boss, he even couldn't believe it himself
He doesn't care if he was being hurt by his own boss because he think he actually deserve it and as punishments for keeping a deep secret from his own boss who owns his soul
He's a hardworking and a really soft-hearted one, he's even lucky that he's still alive
He even give his boss some little gifts every once a week as a thanks for not killing him yet, and yes it was ridiculous but he loves doing it
He also gives gift to his friends ofc

One day..
Blackhat was called for a meeting in heaven, it was probably because of his company
He doesn't wanna attend but he have to, he also decided that he wanna count his fav scientist in, probably to flex him or to show himself off
"Yes Lord Black Hat, you called me? How may I be a service?" Flug respectfully asked, the two are facing each others
"Well well, it's your lucky day. You're gonna come to heaven with me for the meeting"
Flug choked when his boss mentioned 'heaven' plus that he was being tagged along!

Flug was obviously showing a terrified expression, Blackhat noticed this so he tried to assure
"Let me guess, it's your first time? Nothing to worry! They won't hurt us and we can't hurt them too, because it was part of the stupid truce between the Heaven and Hell"
Flug started to sweat and to shake nervously as he responded
"I.. I just d-don't wanna go with y-you sir.."

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