❦ look at me not him.

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im tired of feeling this way- elijah who

hotline bling instrumental- billie eilish

prom queen- beach bunny (this story is so this song coded)

Chris listens to you rant about how your new crush only likes 'pretty' girls, girls with a good personality, girls with nice bodies, girls with nice eyes, girls who are soft but tough. He furrows his eyebrows wondering why you describes yourself as if you aren't his type at all. It's a bit confusing considering the fact to him, you checked all of those boxes yet you still complained about how you didn't fit any. He thought you were way out of this new guys league and way too good for him. He was an annoying popular frat boy which every girl fawned over. He didn't get the hype around him, he was an average guy who played probably every girl he had the chance to meet. He was too cocky and loved himself a bit too much it was unhealthily narcissistic. Though Chris would never share any of this to you, ever. Instead he just smiles and nods.

Maybe he felt this way because he had a small crush on you. No no actually it was pretty big. He has for years upon years. Every time you found a new guy to talk and fantasise about his heart sank further. He was upset on how you would practically fall in love with every guy in the school except him. Chris was the guy you would just bawls your eyes to, talk about your feelings to, giggle to. It seriously sounded like you guys were a couple up until you realise the fact it was all about boys. Boys that were not Chris.

This was just another guy out of the 100 other ones you talked to him about. You always say how one is better then the other every time you developed a new one, but in Chris's eyes they were all the same. Like seriously. They all looked like some high school jocks. Now CHRIS was not egotistical or anything but he did think he had some sense of better personality and attitude than them. Though it didn't matter because you'd always fall for them and never him.

"alright and so aha, guess what? We made eye contact and he even winked at me! Can you believe that Chris?" You shouted replaying the moment a million more times. You were still in shock over the fact your CRUSH had taken notice of you, let alone WINKED at you. He was so dreamy and sweet and beautiful and-

"Hey quick question" Chris interrupts your thoughts sounding a little serious. "Mhm?" you hum waiting for the question. He seemed a bit nervous which started to worry you a little. He inhaled and then began his sentence stumbling a bit on his words.

"Did you ever...do you...why do you..." he stuttered trying to find the right way to put his thoughts into one sentence. You stayed patient and intertwined your fingers with his hand comforting him letting him know there was no rush and that he could take his time.

"Do you love me?" He spits out forcefully. You smile softly, giggling at the question and the fact he was too shy to ask it.

"Of course I love you Chris! You're my best ever friend!" You assure looking into his eyes. For a second you catch his face drop, but it jolts right back up smiling at your kind words. "Yeah, yeah..same goes for you y/n" he responds bluntly. Why did he look so sad? Did I do or say something wrong? Am I just oblivious?

Apparently yes.

"Hey you alright bud?" You ask concern in your tone.  "Yeah yeah just thinking. Anyways I kinda gotta go now Nick wants me for something sorry" he excuses apologising and getting up off your bed. "Alright cya!" you wave while he heads out the door.

Chris was acting a bit odd but I guess everybody has there moments. You just hoped it wasn't anything to do with you. You then go back to stalking your crush on instagram liking every photo of his. Damn was he fine! While scrolling you get a notification from the triplets group account. It was there weekly photo dump that you always loved. They had such a strong and unbreakable bond and their lives seem to be full of fun everyday.

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