first kiss

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DOOR 2 DUSK- odetari

this ones a little steamy but I promise it doesn't go further then a make out.

you sit with your legs spread out in front of you leaning against the bed.  Twirling your hair you catch a glimpse of something, that something was the brunette infront of you. His head was leaning onto his arm cheesing right back at you in admiration. The heat brushes over your figure enlightening your body with its warmth. Matt, your best friend, was flicking his stare between all the features that made up your face, balancing the time spent on each look.

Your eyes don't leave his as you mimic his gaze, leaning your head onto the palm of your hands taking in his characteristics as well. Chris and Nick were yappin about something through the background of the trance you had been dragged into. There voices were muffled while you attempted to not break contact. You smiled back, the moons glow reflecting onto your complexion.

you stifle a giggle covering your mouth, puffing your cheeks. Matt then breaks and ends up laughing leaning his head below, shoulders bouncing with every breath of the chuckle. You join in deflating your cheeks no longer suppressing the giggle. The silent wheezes were enough to add onto the funny scene. Once the humourous moment dies down you both sigh while Chris and Nick glare at you two. When you finally take notice of the silence taken place, you sit yourself back up clearing your throat.

"What are you two laughing at?" Chris speaks up raising an eyebrow at you. You quickly look back at Matt who's holding in the loudest laugh again making it apparent that the joke wasn't over just yet. This sneaks a grin onto your face allowing more confusion to set in for both the brothers. "Don't worry about it" you shoo frustration growing inside Nick.

He rolls his eyes then continues where he left off of making room for your thoughts to start rushing in. You couldn't help the physical reaction to the boy's stare, the way his eyes swiftly observed your qualities one by one. The messy hair falling just above his brows combined with the overshadowed blue eyes created sensations throughout the entirety of your body.

You needed his lips engulfing yours, his hands entangled with yours, his eyes on yours, his body against yours. You needed him to be yours.

Your heartbeat was rising by the second while your mind took you places reminding you of how much of a delusional person you were. While you continued to fantasize about the man sitting in front of you, he was doing the exact same.

The thoughts overtook the man urging him to smash his lips onto yours at this very moment. You were the exact copy of how he'd imagined his future girl to be.

Maybe because he'd only ever managed to imagine you.

"Y/n what about you?" you hear a voice pronounce your name, which turns out to be Nick. You turn your head to look at the maroon headed man giving an apologetic look. "Sorry what?" you ask leaving him to sigh at the thought of repeating his words once more.

"Do you like someone?" he repeatedly raised his eyebrows jokingly, causing you to blush. You thought about it for a while, I mean you did, in fact he was right there. But you couldn't expose that of course! Though by the time you'd answer the question it would be quite obvious that you did have one, therefore you'd slightly hint to it.

"Well, yes but-" before you could finish your sentence the boys started gawking in excitement at this new found information. You resisted the crave to watch Matts reaction while you just laughed at the brothers antics.

"Tell us NOW." nick commands scooching closer to you, eager to find out.

"Well, he has short brown hair, blue eyes, pretty pale, VERY good style, he's incredibly fine, not 6ft but a fit hight, annnd yeah that's all your getting!" you rush realising you had basically at this point given it away. They'd be fools to not guess it straight away.

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