453 36 3

Letting you guys know there's some pretty serious topics in this chapter. Ranging from the meaning of your existence to men and abuse.

It was the day before the game. Y/n had told her family about it, and they were pretty excited to see (only two showed it).

Gyutaro wanted to make something for her, hoping to give her a full stomach to have energy. It happened to be raining, so Y/n took her f/c umbrella and walked down the street to the grocery store. And then she spotted him.

Iwaizumi Hajime was cupping something in his rough hands. His green eyes were softened and rain pattered against his clothes. When he didn't feel rain coming down on him anymore, he glanced up to lock eyes with red ones.

"Y/n..?" He muttered as he looked up to find her f/c umbrella above him, protecting him from the cold rain. She got wet in the process, but she didn't seem to mind. "What are you doing out here?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Hajime." She smiled a little. She then noticed a tiny sparrow in his hands, "Why do you have a sparrow in your hands?"

"Oh, I found it on the ground. I think its wings are hurt."

Y/n stared at him, "That's... really nice." She mumbled.

He laughed softly, "I guess." Iwaizumi stood up and scooted closer so Y/n could hover the umbrella over both of them. "So, where are you

"Oh, to the grocery store." She smiled.

"Let me walk you there."

"No, it's fine—"

"I insist."

She sighed, "Alright then." Y/n started to walk along with Iwaizumi to the grocery store. The sparrow was still in his hands but then he moved it to his jacket pocket with its head poking out.

They walked in silence. Y/n looked at the rain forming puddles on the street, but Iwaizumi was looking at her.

"Do you know you're captivating?" He blurted out with a certain look in his eyes as he stared.

Y/n felt her cheeks burn slightly and she looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

He shrugged with a small chuckle, "You make things a little easier for me. And I think that goes for everyone you meet."

The girls cheeks turn a brighter red, "Really?" She whispered.

"I trust you, more than anyone else."

"You're giving me too much credit—"

"And there you go," he sighs, "You're humble, but I think you're too humble."

She pursed her lips out, "Well, it's not everyday I hear these things from anyone besides my family."

"I'll remind you then." He smiled.

"Eh? Hajime—"


Y/n punches his arm playfully, "Stop interrupting me!" She huffed.

He laughed, "I will if you keep thinking you don't deserve to hear these things."

She stared at him before smiling softly, "Thank you." She whispered. "You're really nice. Oh! And I still have the flower you gave me." She smiled.

"Really?" He chuckled.

"Yeah! It's a nice change to my room. It's kind of boring." Y/n sighed.

"Hm, maybe I can help you decorate it?"

"Ah, I wouldn't want to bother you." She waved her hands.

He ruffled Y/n's hair, "Shut up about bothering me!" He says through his teeth with a smile.

"Hey!" She laughed and swatted his hand, "Okay! You can help me. Maybe I can invite Oikawa too? Oh, and Ken-Chan!" She smiled.

Iwaizumi's face twisted, "Shittykawa? Ew."

She gave him a look with a quirked eyebrow, "Me and you both know that he's your best friend." She nudged him.

His eyes narrowed, "Whatever..." He trailed off.

A silence filled the air, along with the sound of the rain. For some reason, this reminded Y/n of a memory she had when she was twelve.

Y/n stood in the rain with her head down. Her "friends" left her, like they always do. She went to the bathroom, and they left while she was gone. And once again, she called her dad and he ordered someone to come and pick her up. And once again, she felt helpless. She never stood up for herself. She couldn't. That would make her a bad person, and she didn't want to be like her dad. But maybe it's in her blood to be cruel, even though she doesn't want to be. She hasn't told her dad yet.

An umbrella went over her head, making the rain stop pattering on top of her h/c hair. She looked up, spotting Daki.

"Hi, Y/n-Sama." She had a concerned look on her face with a small smile. "What are you doing out here?"

"You know why I'm out here, Daki." The girl mumbled.

They stayed silent, Daki looking at her, while Y/n was looking at the ground.

"They don't deserve you." She said softly.

"That's not true. I don't deserve them."

"You shouldn't think like that."

"I can't help it." She paused, "Why is it that because I exist, it's a problem for other people?"

Daki's eyebrows furrowed, "I don't understand."

"No one does. It's pointless to think about it too much. I'm scared of myself, of my thoughts."

Daki squatted down to get to the girls level, "You shouldn't be thinking that at such a young age." She grabbed Y/n's hand and lead her along the street, "Let's go."

Y/n followed obediently, still casting her red eyes to the ground. They arrived at her house, and Daki took the girl up to her room. Daki sat Y/n down on the chair to her vanity.

They stayed silent while the woman was styling Y/n's hair.

"I think you deserve the world." Daki said.

"Why? I can't make any friends. And I'll most likely never have a lover."

Daki scoffed, "You don't need a man. If you date anyone, date a woman."

Y/n looked at Daki through the reflection of her mirror, "Why?"

Daki was silent before saying, "Men let you down." She paused, "Some use you for your body, others use you for services. Though it's not your fault in the end to help your family."

"...Are you speaking from experience?"

"Yeah." She paused, "Remember this Y/n-Sama, men who don't abuse, aren't special. Men who don't force themselves on you, aren't special. Men who cook for you, aren't special. Because that's what a normal man should be like."

The girl nodded, "Okay."

Daki smiled softly and let go of Y/n's hair, "Look at you." She whispered. "So pretty."

Y/n smiled a little, "Not as pretty as you."

"Even if you think you're not, I know you'll grow up to be a wonderful woman. Whether you date a girl, boy, or in between, I'll support you. Always."

Y/n's small smile turned wide and soft, "You make me feel safe, Daki."

She kissed her head, "I'm glad I do."

Y/n stared at Iwaizumi, "Thanks for walking me here." She smiled.

"No problem." He patted her head, "See you tomorrow. Get some good sleep, okay?"

"You too." They fist bumped, and Iwaizumi walked away with the sparrow in his pocket.

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