24- A good secretary is never afraid.

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I was sleeping or maybe it was the drugs. I have no idea. But in my haze, I could see I was in an isolated clean room with no smells or trash around.

The more surprising thing was the bed I was lying on. It was clean as well. This seemed very strange for a kidnapper. Anyhow, to tell, you the truth, my heart was beating erratically and painfully. Maybe it was because I was afraid and feeling anxious about my future.

And this anxiousness made me more drowsy. One thing is that when I'm stressed out I tend to sleep more than I usually did. 

Drowsiness is overpowered by a sense of survival in dangerous places for me.

I don't know how long it has been, no wait. I know, I was wearing my watch. I always wear this in case something happens and I have never been this happy in my life for my brothers and Alvin's stubbornness. They had a tracker installed in this just in case. Now finally it would be put to good use.

It hadn't been long though. Maybe 2 hours from when I was kidnapped.

Even so, my eyes got heavy and I thought about everyone, praying that they were not losing their mind but like every other kidnapped victim I was not going to free myself and run screaming for help. I must have been one of the most calm and composed victims out there who was kidnapped. Deep in my bones, I was afraid of what was going to happen to me in the next few minutes till they could find me. My chest felt heavy but I was not reacting or exerting myself physically.

I for one wasn't bound to anything plus I didn't have that energy and I didn't want to cause myself an asthma attack in the middle of my kidnapping. It would be so unconventional for the kidnapper. Note the sarcasm.

And then I heard, shouting outside. One particular voice dominated, shouting whilst cursing others. Maybe he is the boss.

"You imbeciles, you, you couldn't even do one thing properly!" he shouted again and I woke up wanting to get closer to the sound but he was loud enough from my current location.

"But, boss, we kidnapped the girl you had described! She was even wearing that dress!" the kidnapper argued.

"I told you to take the girl wearing the scarf, in a pink dress! You had a photo!" he barked getting angry.

"Boss, they came out of the shop wearing identical dresses! and no scarf!" this kidnapper person was seriously dumb. He was arguing with his boss.

"So you picked the wrong person?" he exploded, throwing something that hit the door loudly. Scared I fell back on the mattress and closed my eyes.

Good thing that I did because the door opened and people walked towards me. I peeked through one eye, trying to be as cautious as possible

"How in the world are you in this job?" the main guy asked, his minion, clutching the back of his neck, forcing him to look down at me. I closed my eyes instantly

"I- I got confused. They were wearing identical dresses and then when I looked again she was standing there with that scarf you mentioned." the guy stuttered. The boss let him go and turned around sighing deeply.

"I have had no with you scums! Last time you let Khloe escape from a moving car! You idiots, good for nothing!" he screamed.

So their target was Khloe. That is news. But there should be a reason why they are targeting her. One failed attempt was not enough for them.

I wanted to know what this was all about though.

"What should we do with this girl boss? we could still ask for a ransom from her folks." the guy who talked for the first time suggested. It was a good plan though but not for long. They picked the wrong girl.

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