31- A good secretary should live happily

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"WHAT?" Alvin shouted shocked, stepping back hurriedly. That was the only thing that relieved me. I stepped back, hiding from their sight, not going in yet. I should listen in.

"Yes Alvin, I love you. I have for a very long and even after so many years when we met, you were there for me. You helped me with my problem." she says softly pleadingly.

"Me helping has nothing to do with my old feelings for your Khloe, I just think of you as a friend!" Alvin blurted maintaining the distance.

"You know how good we were together back then, we can still have the same. You just need to leave Violet and come back to me," she urged stepping closer and Alvin stood still not speaking. 

By now my hands were shaking and I had started to sweat. They hadn't seen me yet.

"Please Alvin, think about it," she whispered this time, standing in front of him. She raises her hand and touches his face.

That seemed to have brought him out of his thoughts as he caught her wandering hand and held it.

"You are already late and even if you were not I have Violet-"

"No, don't talk about her. I know you love her but that's just sibling love. Nothing else. I know. She is not even a match for you. We are perfect together Alvin." she cut him off scoffing.

Sibling love? there was not even a S of sibling love between me and Alvin. She didn't seem to know that part yet.

"Khloe, you know how she is and how I feel about her-"

She cut him off again. "I know that she is still young. The way you pamper her along with her family it feels more like she is still a child, not a woman. You need a woman darling, not a child you have to look after," she spat venom. I never assumed she would do that, ever. " And to top that she is so clumsy. How can you be with her?"

"Enough Khloe, you will let me speak now." his words were like a command and she nodded telling him to go on.

He smirked and started, "I know how Violet is. Yes, she is clumsy. She is a disaster to the people around her and herself. There is not even one single day that goes normally with her and I always have to clean her mess, because her brothers can't do that," and laughs.

I stepped back, listening to him talk about me, like that. My heart is pained by his words. Saying those things to me was fine but now as he was narrating it to someone else I felt like a burden to him, yet I stood outside listening to their conversation.

I could have run away saving myself from the rest of the humiliation but I have seen many series and one thing I have learned is that you should not run off without knowing the whole side of the story. You should listen to the whole thing.

"Yet, I would never change it for anything in this world." he continued and listened more carefully. 

 "And yes she is a mess but she is my mess. I love her for who she is and how she is." he chuckled softly remembering something.

"Do you know how mad I am about her? It drives me crazy! " he groaned in amusement and I smiled finally in relief.

"You already are,.. you can't get crazier," Khloe answered him, smirking. "But, I still don't think you will be happy with her. Maybe for a year or two and what after that? you plan to leave when you get tired of having her around you all the time?"

I couldn't believe that she would say something like this about me. maybe Lilly was right about her? I sigh as I hear him take my side yet again.

"You would think that but appointing her as my secretary was one hell of a decision I ever made. Though she causes trouble sometimes, which can cause some issues that is why I am there for her. She depends on me for this and I want her to be dependent on me. She makes me feel wanted and loved. She cares for me just as much as my mother does, if not more. She makes my days brighter and my heart flutters with her every breath. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't have been standing here. Whenever she looks at me her eyes twinkle. She is my motivation, she is my everything and i would never leave my Lilliput for anything in this world!" he confessed truthfully and my heart thudded.

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