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August 18th, 1964

"How does it feel to be in the states, Emmy? American air get to you, yet?" John quipped.

"You act like they're a different species. We're all human..." she paused, "They're just humans with funny accents. That's it." Emery shrugged.

"I think they're rather odd. Although, they are very nice. But that's just my opinion." John said absentmindedly.

"Well, they won the war, so." Emery pointed out.

John grinned. "Oh, of course the history teacher knows that."

"Yeah? Everyone should know it. Pretty basic knowledge, y'know. You should read a history book some time." She held up her copy of 'On The Grounds', which was a history book about WWl.

The pair were in their hotel room in San Francisco. They had taken the day to explore the city, and now they were winding down, laying on their bed as Emery read her book and chatted with her husband, which she still misspoke and called him her "boyfriend" at times when referring him to someone. But she was working on it.

All of a sudden, the phone rang.

Emery eyed it and stepped off the bed to pick it up.

"Hello?" She asked seriously.

John snorted from his position on the bed as he read Emery's book.

Emery glared at him and swiped at him.

He lifted his hands in a "what did I do" position and shut the book close without putting in the bookmark.

Emery glared at him harder, going over and putting the bookmark in its correct page, her phone glued to her ear and shoulder.

"Yes, hello, is this Mrs. Emery Lennon?" A male voice inquired.

"Speaking." She answered, her eyebrows knit together in curiosity and slight confusion.

"This is Albert Aiden with the University of Liverpool. I'd like to offer you a position here as a United States History Professor."

Emery's jaw dropped. University? How did they find out about her? Who was she mentioned by?

"Wow, that is wonderful. I accept your offer. Thank you so much." She gushed.

"Splendid. We'll need you to come in on August 26th for a follow up interview, and classes begin on September 5th." He informed her.

"Ok, sir. I'll see you next week. Thank you again for the opportunity." Emery replied and hung up.

She turned to see John staring at her with a grin.

She grinned back. "What?"

"You know what. Who was that?" John asked, laying in his side with his head propped on his hand and one leg bent.

"That was Mr. Albert Aiden with Liverpool University." She responded coolly.


"And he offered me the professor job as a U.S. history teacher." She replied.

"Wow, Em, that's brilliant." He got up, giving her a hug.

She smiled wide. "Thanks. But, I have to leave on the 26th for an interview. School starts the 5th of September." She added glumly.

"Oh. Well, at least we have some time left together." He rubbed her arms in comfort.

"And I don't get to miss your show at the Hollywood Bowl." She said.

"That'll be exciting. Still can't believe the Americans like us." John said.

"Well, they like a lot of you lot's music, so I would believe it." She kissed him.

"We've grown up, Emmy. A lot." John looked at her.

"We have." She nodded, silently reminiscing over the times when they were teenagers at The Cavern, or when her, John, Paul and George went to buy records at the local shop.

"Came a long way, John." She sighed, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck.

"We have, Em. And we're going to keep growing in life, and I want to do it with you." John rested his forehead against her's.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Did you have doubts that you wouldn't want to do it with me but just changed yer mind?" She joked.

"Oh, definitely. Thought I'd drop you, but then I heard you would be making big money as a professor so I decided to keep you." He rolled his eyes. "Course not, Em, have some faith in me." He smiled.

"Impossible as always, John." Emery smirked.

"That's why you love me." He teased.

"Yes, that's why I love you." She laughed.

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