CHAPTER 20 - Clipped Conversations

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As usual, Rei didn't bother knocking before entering Levi's office. She had only been there a handful of times, usually for a scolding that ended with them not speaking for days. But Levi wasn't waiting for her by the desk with a scowl this time. He was nowhere to be seen.

          "Hello?" Rei called out cautiously.

No response. She slowly closed the door behind her. Levi's office was freakishly tidy. Rei thought that Erwin was the one that had his shit together almost a little too much before she stepped into Levi's workroom. There wasn't a speck of dust on any surface. His papers were all in tidy piles. The room had no personal touches except a tea-drinking set on a cupboard.


Rei's head turned to the faint sound of cursing coming from behind the closed door that led to, presumably, his bedroom. She reluctantly stepped towards it and opened it.

The hell, she thought to herself. His room was even cleaner than his office. The bed looked as if no one had ever slept in it. The Survey Corps cloak was neatly folded on a chair. The room even smelled clean.

Rei noticed the bathroom door in his room wasn't closed. Without giving it a second thought, she pushed it open.

          "Cap', I came for- "

She cut herself off. Levi was standing shirtless in front of a mirror with hair-cutting scissors in his hand.

          "Don't you know how to knock, brat?" he hissed, glaring at her through the mirror.

A musing smile tugged on Rei's lips.

          "Are you cutting your undercut?" she asked, biting her lip to refrain from laughing as she leaned on the doorframe.

          "Get out of my bathroom, Agnar."

          "Is it because I said it's growing out?"

          "Out. Of my bathroom."

Rei laughed, completely ignoring Levi's threatening glare.

          "You're not doing a very good job," she said, glancing at the unevenly cut hair.

          "Well, my wrist is fucked, thanks to someone," he said coldly.

          "That mistake was entirely on you," Rei said, intentionally emphasizing the word that would irritate Levi the most.

Levi cursed under his breath, grabbing the edges of the sink and glaring at his hair as if it were a challenging opponent. Rei's gaze slid down to the muscles on his back for a split moment.

          "Get out of my bathroom and wait in the office," Levi said without looking at her.

Rei did walk out but returned a few seconds later with a chair, placing it in front of Levi.

          "What do you think you're- "

          "Give me that," Rei cut Levi off, extending her hand towards the scissors.


          "I'll help you," she said, surprising herself just as much as she did Levi.

          "I don't need your help," Levi hissed.

          "Stop being a stubborn baby and give me the scissors if you want to look decent by the end of this."

They glared at each other, but then Levi unhappily gave in, handing her the scissors.

          "Sit down," Rei said.

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