CHAPTER 30 - Shattered Resilience

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Rei's ass hit the edge of Levi's table from the intensity with which he kissed her. She melted right into it, those traces of defiance and stubbornness she had been holding on to for months gone the second she felt his lips against her own. Her fingers tangled into his hair, and she pulled him closer, burning with need. Levi's hands gripped her hips, his fingers sliding under her shirt to feel the warmth of her bare skin. Reinae shuddered as his touch traveled up her stomach to her corset and barely contained a moan when his thumb brushed over her perked nipple through the lacy fabric.

Her hands traveled down his back, her fingernails digging into his skin through his shirt, making Levi hiss out. She kissed him even harder, their tongues dancing around each other, and the deep groan that left Levi's chest when Rei's hand slid to his crotch was enough for her to completely lose control. She stoked him through his pants, blissful at how hard he was for her. She broke the kiss to lean her head back, which Levi immediately used to kiss her neck.

The impatience made Rei struggle with his belt. She cursed under her breath at it, so Levi took over. He grabbed her hips and turned her around, bending her over the desk. She barely registered the sound of his pants falling to his ankles before he pulled down her trousers together with her underpants, exposing the bandaged thigh.

His hand slid over the bandages. Rei turned to look at him over her shoulder to see a shade of hesitation in his eyes.

          "Levi... "

She intended for her tone to sound like an order, but it came out as more of a whimper, the heat in her core making her think of nothing but him inside her. Levi's dark eyes snapped to hers, and he didn't even give Rei a moment to prepare herself before gripping her hips, burying himself inside her in one hard thrust.

Rei gasped at the stretch, the feel of him filling her. Levi's fingers dug into her skin, and she heard him let out a shuddering breath before he pulled out all the way to the tip and slammed back in. Rei cried out, her head spinning. With each thrust, he hit the exact spots within her that burned the most, as if he knew exactly what she needed. He developed a steady rhythm that made Rei grip the edges of the desk, holding on for her dear life as his every stroke built up the pressure within her, bringing her closer to the blissful release.

Levi leaned over her, tangling his fingers into her hair to move it out of the way of her neck, forming a fist and pulling Rei's head up. His mouth rested just under her ear so Rei could hear every breath, every restrained groan. He rolled his hips again, hitting a spot so sweet Rei moaned with no restraint. She felt Levi's grip tighten at the sound, his thrusts growing impatient, his rhythm faster.

Reinae's ass was shaking with every hard thrust, her mouth open in a breathless moan, her eyes rolled back. And when Levi kissed her neck down to her shoulder, then bit down at the same time as he buried himself balls-deep into her, she shattered around him, crying out. Her grip on her desk was so hard she could swear she heard the wood crack, her body shuddering under him. The sight made Levi curse under his breath, and after a few hard thrusts, he pulled out, spilling himself all over her ass.

The room was filled with heavy breaths. Levi remained leaning on the table with one hand, the other still holding his pulsating cock. Reinae's grip on the desk loosened, her eyes closing in enjoyment of the aftershocks of her orgasm. They both remained unmoving as if it would save them from facing each other, from facing what they'd done.

Levi was the first to move, taking a napkin from a cupboard and cleaning his spill from her ass. Rei tensed at the gentle gesture, waiting for him to be done before she straightened up. She pulled up her pants before turning around to see Levi readjusting his belt. The second he lifted his stare to hers, she looked away, her gaze landing on the damaged table.

          "Sorry about the desk," she said, her voice slightly strained. The wood where she had been holding on to was indeed cracked.

Levi didn't reply, only continued to look at her. He was visibly uncomfortable, unsure how to move forward or what to say.

          "I... " Rei's voice got lost as she, too, struggled to find words. "Thank... you?"

Levi really had to refrain from scoffing.

          "For what?" he asked.

          "Em... not sure," Rei said, running her fingers through her hair.

Levi sighed, shaking his head. He grimaced at the spots of bodily fluids he noticed on the floor.

          "Of course you're not sure," he muttered, walking around the table to the chair.

          "Sorry?" Rei raised her eyebrows at him.

          "Nothing," Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

          "If you have something to say, just say it," Rei challenged, her tone returning to the cold, defiant one.

          "I won't say anything." Levi lifted his head to meet her eyes. "And I won't do... this again until you can say something else than 'not sure'".

          "I never asked for this to happen again," Rei countered, getting defensive.

          "Because you didn't enjoy it?"

Levi's tone was cold, but his eyes challenged her. He knew as well as Rei that she couldn't say she didn't enjoy what happened between them. They both heard her moans, both felt the consuming orgasm he brought her to.

          "This is not about enjoyment," Rei squeezed through clenched teeth.

          "Then what is it about, Reinae?"

She froze. It was the first time she heard Levi call her by her first name. And despite his harsh tone, he somehow said it with a softness that made her heart ache.

She knew they were long past the stubbornness and ignorance they had going on for months. She knew there was no denying the feeling that had been growing in her chest for months. She realized there was no fighting it when the thought of something happening to him scared her. And since she couldn't forget about their kiss months ago, she knew there was no forgetting the feeling of him inside her.

But Reinae was a fighter even when she didn't have to be. She had long learned to fight for the walls she'd built around her heart. And despite Levi constantly managing to crack them bit by bit without even knowing, she'd be damned if she'd allow him to break them down entirely.

          "This was... a release," she said firmly. Levi's eyes darkened.

          "A release," he repeated, voice dangerously calm.

Rei didn't blink away from him, standing behind her words despite her heart protesting.

          "Then go find your release somewhere else."

With that, Levi walked from his office to his bedroom, slamming the door behind him, leaving Rei alone with a bitter taste of regret staining her tongue.

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