CHAPTER 36 - Fragments of Truth

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Being the bigger person wasn't something Rei was good at. It went against everything she was used to. So, finding Levi alone to talk to him was a challenge, especially since he seemed to be set on avoiding her. He barely showed up to training, leaving Eld to lead their exercises. He rarely ate at the Mess Hall, but when he wasn't there, he was also never at his office when Rei tried to find him. So, after two weeks of trying and failing to explain herself, her patience was hanging on a thread.

Her squad realized it was best to leave her alone since she snapped at anyone who spoke to her. Jasper distanced himself ever since they had their talk. Aiden had learned enough from when she was a hormonal teenager, so he stayed clear. Mila and Teodor also thoughtfully remained quiet during their meals in the Mess Hall, only speaking to others.

Rei's green eyes constantly scanned her surroundings for a glimpse of that grumpy, black-haired man. So when she finally saw him entering the Mess Hall with Erwin and Miche, she didn't hesitate before standing up. Jasper and Aiden looked at her with raised eyebrows, but Mila met their stares and only sharply shook her head, warning them to remain quiet. Not that saying anything would stop Reinae, who was already marching towards her target.

          "Good evening, Reinae- "

Erwin cut himself off when he noticed the murderous look on her face. Levi met her stare, his eyes remaining stoic and uninterested.

          "I'll be fair and warn you that I'm about to make a scene, so you decide if you want it to be here or somewhere else," she squeezed through her teeth, her voice as cold as ice.

They stared each other down for long seconds, Erwin and Miche's gazes darting between them with confusion. Then, Levi simply turned on his heel, walking in the direction he had just come from with his colleagues. Rei followed him, getting angrier and more irritated with each step she took. When they were alone in the hallway, she spoke while Levi still had his back turned to her.

          "You're a hard man to find these days." She struggled to control her voice.

          "I'm busy."

          "Bullshit," Rei scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Levi turned around, meeting her piercing stare. "You really are a piece of work, you know? Demanding I talk to you about why I fuck you, not that you had any right to do so, and then ignore and avoid me for two weeks!"

          "What did you expect? That I'll screw you every night?"

The spite in Levi's voice was intentional. Rei squeezed her jaw, her eyes narrowing at him.

          "Watch your tongue."

          "Isn't that what you want from me? That I fuck you?"

          "You're twisting my words."

          "Enlighten me, then."

          "Oh, I have to explain myself to you again, huh?!" She took a few steps closer, her finger pointing at her chest. "How about you tell me why you've been acting like I'm doing some great injustice to you for the past year?!"

          "You know why!"

          "Say it!"

Levi opened his mouth, then closed it. His hands bawled into fists, and he turned away from her, massaging his temples in frustration.

          "See?" Rei scoffed, but her tone softened. "You can't. So don't blame me for something you can't do either."

Levi remained quiet, refusing to look at her. She took another step closer, taking a deep breath.

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