CHAPTER 32 - The Art of Defiance

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The good thing about Rei's recovery was that she didn't have to join squad training. Despite Eld asking her countless times to at least come and watch, she found a way to refuse. She barely caught glimpses of Levi as days passed, which made sense since she actively avoided him. She spent her time doing any type of exercise she could to maintain her strength and watch Jasper and Aiden during their training. And during the nights when she couldn't sleep because her brain wouldn't stop remembering the feeling of Levi's touch, she found someone who took her mind off of him.

Every time she made herself believe she had forgotten about Levi, she was somehow cruelly reminded of her feelings, either when she left some man's room in the morning and saw a woman leave Levi's office or when their eyes spontaneously met in the Mess Hall. To say it was torture was an understatement.

          "Are you even listening?"

Rei lifted her eyes from her stew to Jasper, who sat before her.

          "Hm?" she hummed absentmindedly.

          "What's going on with you," Jasper said, frowning with confusion. "You've been acting weird since the mission."

Rei shrugged, returning to circling her stew with her spoon.

          "If there's something you want to talk about... "

She had contemplated it many times. To come to Jasper for advice, to tell him everything. He'd understand. And he'd tell her the same thing she had been telling herself – that there was no way she'd end up anything but hurt. Maybe that was why she didn't want to tell him.

           "How are you and Nanaba?" Rei asked, looking up at him to see his eyes widen in surprise.

          "Am... We're good," he said, tilting his head to the side, scanning Rei's face.

          "That's good," Rei said, nodding to herself.

          "Rei, what's going- "

          "How did you let yourself love, Jasper?"

Her best friend was at a loss for words. Rei wasn't one to talk, even less ask about such things.

          "What do you mean?"

          "After everything we've been through... how did you allow yourself to let someone in like that?"

          "... Are you- "

          "Just answer the damn question, Jasper," Rei warned with a threatening gaze.

          "Well... I guess it just happened," Jasper said, shrugging. "And I didn't fight it."

Rei sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

          "If you're asking for yourself- I said if, Rei, then... I think it's about time you... let yourself be happy."

She looked at him, at his warm eyes that always understood her, always supported her. A smile tugged on her lips, the first honest one in days. Despite his words, despite wishing it were that simple, she knew she wasn't him. He was the type to see the best in people, to give them chances despite knowing he might get hurt. It was a quality she sometimes wished she'd possess.

          "What a desperate romantic you are," she teased, making him roll his eyes.

          "Shut up," he groaned, digging into his food.

Rei's eyes wandered across the hall, but not to find Levi. Her gaze met with the hazel orbs of Isaac, who smiled at her. Rei returned the smile and stood up.

          "Where are you going?" Jasper asked.

          "To get nicely fucked," she answered with a grin. Jasper grimaced. "Who knows, maybe I'll fall in love."

She laughed at Jasper's faked disappointment and tugged on his braid as she left the table. Her leg had healed enough to walk normally, so she walked across the Mess Hall to Isaac's table. The fact that four other men were sitting beside him didn't stop her from seductively throwing her hair over her shoulder and smiling.

          "Busy tonight?" she asked him, leaning on the table.

          "I hope I am," Isaac replied. The men around him whistled, all eyeing Rei with hungry expressions.

Rei nodded towards the exit, and Isaac stood up, following her from the hall. Before they even reached the staircase leading up to the men's quadrants, a voice Rei really didn't want to hear reached them.

          "Cadet Merritt."

Rei froze, darkness falling over her eyes. Oh, hell no.

          "Yes, Captain Levi?" Isaac said, turning to the black-haired man.

          "You're on cleaning duty tonight."

          "But- I had cleaning duty yesterday... "

          "So?" Levi said, his voice bored but had that threatening undertone that made all Scouts tremble.

Isaac sighed, looking at Rei with an apologetic smile.

          "Some other time?"

Rei nodded with pursed lips, watching him return to the Mess Hall. Her gaze snapped to Levi's.

          "Cock-blocking me?" she asked with narrowed eyes.

          "You're flattering yourself," Levi said, walking past her up the staircase.

          "And you're a wishful thinker if you think I won't find someone else."

Levi turned to her, his eyes dark, his jaw twitching. He opened his mouth the same moment as Eld appeared at the top of the staircase. Rei's mouth stretched into an evil grin at the cruel opportunity.

          "Eld!" she called for him with excitement. Levi's head snapped to their comrade.

The blond man smiled at Rei, walking down the stairs to her.

          "What's up, Rei? Captain," he added, nodding to Levi.

          "Do you have cleaning duty tonight?"

Levi slowly turned back to Rei, his eyes dangerously glowing as he realized what she planned.

          "Not that I know of," Eld replied cheerfully, reaching her and Levi.

          "Good. I have a favor to ask you," Rei said, offering him that sweet smile that always made him blush.

          "Sure," Eld said, scratching the back of his head.

Rei hooked her arm under his, ready to lead him to her room, but Levi grabbed her by the upper arm. She met his angry eyes with defiance, challenging him to say something. She knew him well enough to know he wouldn't even hint at the connection between them in front of a squad member. So when he reluctantly let go of her, squeezing his jaw, she spitefully smiled at him.

          "Have a lovely night, Captain."

She tugged Eld in the opposite direction, leaving fuming Levi behind.

          "What was that about?" Eld inquired.

          "Who'd know." Rei shrugged, her heart pounding.

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