Some Information

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Hello there!!!!! This is my first time writing fanfiction, so I apologize if it's not very good. And with this one being my first, I only have a handful of ideas for some oneshot stories I want to write about, so if you have any requests you would like to make, just comment. It'll be helpful to me, so please don't be shy!

However, let me just say: I will NOT write any kind of smut. If you want them to have a child, that is OK. The only way these two are having a child is through magic, not by performing the deed.

Ships I will write about

To be clear, this oneshot book is all about RadioApple (LuciferxAlastor), but there are also side ships such as Chaggie (CharliexVaggie), HuskDust (AngelDustxHusk), and CherriSnke (CherriBombxSir Pentious). If you don't like any of these ships, especially the main ship, please leave. If there are any hate comments regarding a ship that appears in any shot, they will be deleted because I literally just informed you of which ships will appear. With that out of the way, let's talk about this AU these oneshots will be taking place in.

About the AU

Obviously, as stated in the title, Lucifer is an angel in this alternate universe, and his twin brother Michael was the fallen angel rather than him. Before I go any further, I'll list Lucifer's siblings since they will be mentioned in some of these shots: Gabriel and Uriel are his younger sisters; Raphael is his older sister; Jophiel and Camuel are his younger brothers; Azreal is his older brother; and, as stated, he has a twin brother, Michael. While I'm at it, I'll mention that, yes, God is their father; they don't have a mother. (Also, I don't know how accurate this is with the sibling things; this is an AU anyways, so it's not really supposed to be 100% canon with anything.)

Before becoming a fallen angel, Michael and Lucifer were inseparable. They had always remained together, thus they had a really close, brotherly relationship. (Basically, cliche twins.) After Michael became a fallen angel, Lucifer felt lonely,especially when he couldn't find comfort in his siblings, who obeyed their father's demands and pretended Michael didn't exist. Therefore, when their first birthday rolled around were Michael wouldn't be with Lucifer, he decided to sneak down to hell to meet him. After that, they made it a routine to meet secretly on a regular basis.

Of course, nothing can stay a secret forever, so one day while at the castle, Lucifer ran into Alastor, who was accompanying Charlie to visit her parents.(Michael and Lilith are her parents.) After that, they got to know each other, fell in love, and blah blah blah, you get the idea.

I'm not going to drag this out anymore; that's all you need to know for the basics of this AU. Of course, when I write about these ideas in the different shots they'll be mentioned in, they'll be more fleshed out.

How the characters look

Characters such as Angel, Charlie, Husker, and others look just like Canon. As for Lucifer and his siblings here is a link ( to a piece of fanart by @SINFUL_jam that I will use as a reference to how I kind of want them to look like this isn't exactly but close enough. Personally, I'm not favorable towards Azreal's clothes in the art, so just pretend he's wearing the same set of clothes as Camue, but they're colored black and red and he doesn't have the jacket hanging off his shoulder. (Don't see this as me disliking the artist either; it's obvious that they've spent years honing their artistic abilities. I simply truly don't favor the clothes Azreal is in; as I mentioned before, this was only a reference, not a perfect duplicate of how they appear.) I'll highlight a few key distinctions that won't wait until I write about the siblings: All of them have a single set of white wings, with the exception of Lucifer, who has three sets of blue colored wings because he is God's favorite. Though he only displays one set to fit in with his siblings.

Replace Michael with Lucifer in this image, and Michael will appear just how the show's canon Lucifer does.

How I'll schedule to update

I'll post whenever I feel like it; I won't stick to a timetable because I'll stray from it easily. Although since this is a brand-new book, I'll try to work on it, posting a new chapter every Saturday for a few months in order to have a few chapters. I plan to release the first oneshot this Saturday 2/10.


Well, I guess that's all I have to say. If you actually read all that, thank you! To anyone who reads this and finds themselves interested in this AU and decides to actually read the oneshots I'll be writing, thank you for supporting me!! And if you sent a request, thank you for helping me with ideas!!!

Bye <3

Angel Lucifer x Alastor OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now