territorial sea nymph

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Chip's P.O.V

He always come home and got worried humans enter the cave at once he knew im defenseless from humans still he knew i had more unstable magic that can kill alot of humans going near the nesting site he swam up cooing me with his soft words now letting me sucking his penis once more "okay baby i know your in extreme heat im back i can sensed humans got too close to the nest i made honey are you okay?"

"Oh yes nice when you stopped me papa ah fuck gonna lay more babies" as he shuddered "i know mama fuck now i must re enter your vagina here i come chip hot fuck papa is in full speed breeding mode oh bloody yes honey feels so good oh baby i know mama's extreme wrath oh yes you know me im more immune to your lightning attacks and i dont wear any armors right?"

"Oh yes fuck papa you cum so much inside me" as he kissed me "fuck my love oh yes more cum baby oh yes papa had more to offer than just that oh my love i gonna made you so proud after a pro longed sex underwater its okay i know you guys easily startled when its not me huh?"

I nodded at him after we had sex papa still caressed my body to calm down from all the tension "there there Chip dont cry honey im home thats all that matters papa made sure no humans come near to my little queen baby its okay chip papa knows already its okay im home little chip"

"Its so good papa more fuck inside here please dont leave me" as he shuddered "papa never leaves till our babies hatched in here its okay i made sure theres more room for others so here we go thats one big egg over there"

"They knew i laid golden eggs papa its just so tired" as i said to him as he sighed "papa never leave you again honey its alrighy my little sea bunny my goddess and everything feels so good the more i release huh?"

"Yes papa fuck thats so much cum inside me" as he kissed me "bare bit longer as i take it out my love there it goes fuck feels so good when you marked me oh yes feels so good honey fuck now just you and me now oh yes papa still keep releasing more since mama laid more kids for me so good honey thats right gently swallow thats the key honey oh yes fuck how was it?"

"Im getting hungry after sex whats that papa?" As he smiled "food baby never eat raw sushi before well its the best thing i hunt for this stuff since well you know whats being like a cursed human right since you enter this cursed pool we are no longer humans but more wild animal that we are in for now well we can have legs on night time only that is"

"In this case your gonna help me up right?" As he nodded "yeah sure i made sure we wont fall same time when we hit the stairs okay here it goes grab my hand chip thats right hold me close baby"

"Everything is on fire and so painful too papa it burns" as i said to him now we get to the stairs as he still grabbed me from the waist "i knew this process can be too much for you okay its okay Chip papa got you this time we always have nice fuck every year baby its okay papa keep warming your vagina right?"

"Oh fuck mating season sucks having a damn period again can we fuck when im feeling better?"

"Yeah sure the island is welcome for cursed familes like us baby you know me im around and making sure no humans re enter our nesting site is forbidden for them to destroy our eggs inside honey papa will be very angry if they did that"

"Oh papa you know im still unstable right?" As he nodded "its okay mama stay in water with me or you wont survive again in the surface you know our gills right?"

"Shit happens when maturity hits hard like a truck you never know when i do this does it activated your heat cycle?"

"It is just stop rubbing it.. its making me urge to fuck you again but hmm still you released more milk after laying kids baby its so good papa made you secured with his body as long we are together baby markings are active when we are heat i knew we are desperate its gonna be okay chip papa loves you no matter what happens okay?"

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