life of a cursed mermaid

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Chip's P.O.V

It feels so good each time papa released it so much he hugged me few times then trusting me with his penis still releasing more each time we enjoyed breeding still he was close to me and he knew my temper too.

He nuzzled himself close to me "feels so good some other time i know it gets too excited when you rubbed your vagina mama its alright never see me having a larger fins than yours?"

"Its fine we got same fins papa large feet when human form that is so this means did toes do this when we hit water?"

"Yes i mean its a painful process going back being mermaids love i know i never told you that we shared same curse since i made fun on one of your sea friends and i offended an alpha sea witch"

"Thats why now you need a mate each time at night and well now you know its a painful price to be a cursed mermaid now?"

"Yes i know this time im serious about pod issues well honey its fine you go ahead and enjoy the night sky with me whats wrong baby?"

"Its never be the same without you papa its just so scary to be alone again its just how empty it is without a merman father with me"

"Oh here we go again one of the royal nightmares making a hybrid upset and did you release static feild stay calm baby i didnt mean to abandoned you and yes we always play underwater together and yet i got your point now i see it"

"You promise you return to me in the island i waited for almost 20 years alone in here" as i said to him "i always appear now in front of you Chip see me now baby its all clear its that sea witch manipulating your mind doing hex tricks on you"

"Im scared please seal me papa" as he hugged me tight as the body magic subsided now nuzzling himself to me he made sure not even uncle Ozzy come near us he knew dangerous static electricity in water also i can zapped humans if they entered the side of the island "think happy thoughts that made you happy okay think of me since now i showed you what i am"

"Does it hurt to be a merman without water i mean the gills really stings alot" as he sighed kissing me again in the sandy shore "its time you over think too much okay lessen the pain now we can have fun really see now i can see your eyes again"

"How long did i blacked out?" As i stared at uncle Ozzy "its almost 3 hours from lost human transition yes phasing back to a mermaid if you dive back again well yes during morning you feel your sensitive gills right thats when you hit the sea like everyone had to leave early or we all perished from the great heat on morning trust me its very nasty way to die as a mermaid Solomon knew this dont you?"

"Yes he was always refreshened up i know my sea pumpkin hates false rumors besides love my mistress i do anything to keep you safe from evil human claws scrapping all your scales"

"Solomon stop scaring him like that he's hyper sensitive okay trust me i know when a hybrid got upset remember he can make more multiple whirlpools and this will be getting very nasty"

"Its fine i made sure he was back to his old self thats why i know mama is in there somewhere in this magic curse was my son i wont let any human kill my baby again its okay love we can fuck all we wanted right?"

"Will you promise me stay in the sea with me forever cause i cant breath with this gills really burns alot it stings like hell" as i said to him he sighed "since we are here in the surface you will be fine as you can see tails disappear back to legs"

"Just dont look when im naked are you?" As he laughed "everyone here is naked baby i know clothes melt when we dived back to the sea that means those things easily melt in the sea"

My father Is a merman king and he is my mateWhere stories live. Discover now