another delay egg laying month

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Chip's P.O.V

Now he knew im his mate his fuck mate even his penis liked to re enter me few times now i dont allow him wear any condoms while we have sex underwater  that is i feel papa's pain when our legs are fused to become a tail and yes its a painful process that prevents us former humans to run away from sirens and humans that is "its a quick good fuck underneath plus everyone is on desperate having sex on wedding night"

"Fuck me papa your so hot and tasty as fuck now placing your penis in me its so good i gonna cum too" as he kissed me "why not i still love you baby did i heard fin stretching before?"

"What do you mean fin stretching you mean human toes changed shape of a fin in a torturable device?" He nodded "yes its also in a mermadification process on humans who make fun on sirens thats means us almost air knocked our wind pipes if im corrected only i can move was my arms after the released me even i tried to save you right cause of the gills then who took me in?"

"It was us brother before his turn unfortunately he run away before we can get him back to the water i knew why his body magic acting weird"

"He must have suffered more than me his body cant take the another mermaidification process yes i feel his body more in pain but mines kinda hurt alot it stings when this tattoos began to light up"

"Yes i know she put a curse into your body to become like us so her entire population wants legs from you guys thats why they harvest your ability to out run a siren right?"

"They did alright and helpless fuck i hate crawling while my penis sticking out from a tube its so embarassing"

"They milked you long enough so chip can process more eggs with you okay you know the deal about well nasty ordeals with madam circe yes she is not one of those human demigods brother just a siren who wanna have legs than we do need mates to gain legs back so how was your beach wedding go well uh chip?"

"Its great just me and papa such a large big ham that he is and kinda well gentle for a massive guy"

"Yes im your mate even you marked my penis baby its okay cause your starting to lay more again dont worry papa is with you scales and all"

"Your just trying to cheer me off papa yeah its kinda painful outsretching human toes to fins that makes us crawling in our bellies huh?"

"You can said that about tails weight more in surface thats why you and i need each other to gain legs back i knew this sick curse was its doing circe cant even changed us back to normal"

"Its pure dark magic im afraid brother yes victims of sirens was been in ages my father forgot to seal her and her pod from harming you guys if i knew the ritual better she would have disappeared but her curse was still around your body solomon"

"Well alas its better we stay on shallows time to keep gills moist in shallow waters love there you go how was it?"

"I cant breathe must return to the sea you know when suns up right?"

"Fuck it is i got you baby alright back to the underwater kingdom again to make sure oh boy Chip please baby wake up is it red tide season?"

"We never had toxin virus but sure half of the waters over there did he swam and breathe in there?"

"Its not good mama is choking gotta get him back gill poisoning brother we need antidote immediately mama stay awake okay?"

Soon he took me back underwater uncle Ozzy swam towards papa as he gave the glowing kelp pill well swallowing without water is more painful. I took the medicine and i got better "its the only thing keeps mama at bay not tell humans we had to keep him out of danger just not in front of mama okay everyone knew we keep the leviathan from human control"

My father Is a merman king and he is my mateWhere stories live. Discover now