enemy siren invasion

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Chip's P.O.V

I knew papa and others are concerned about my body magic cause if its not papa my body act like a barrier so nobody can approach me or humans at will its also my defense mechanisim if papa didnt have sex with me but in his old human will had to do it.

Like other mermen are in heat with mermaids like me starting to have more families together papa stay close to me cause he was scared that the alpha siren will impregnated me with his thick penis but i prefer papa's than his own so papa inserted his to me thrusting inside the pool few times till its over then i sucked it few times since my nipples are sensitive like my gills from the neck yes in mating season or breeding year cycle some of us had necks glowing that means in extreme heat papa knew this also after we had sex as well he endured it this time embracing the life of a cursed merman also.

"Fuck tell me when to breed mama its happening like before yes or what are you thinking?" He can sensed me why i burried my face i shared my old loathe from humans what they did to me "humans are monsters too i can sensed how they mistreated our mates even you had more trauma than before yet the ending you eat one of the scientist?"

"It tried how my penis got surgically removed okay those crazy heated sirens do to me trying forcing their penis inside me again then i saw you moaning in heat from a machine that attached to your penis"

"I cant think straight im so helpless watching you being fucked all over again i guess we never escaped from this sick coney island ever since that siren witch cursed the oceans too and anyone who swim in her beach became like you and me well is it over brother?"

"Yeah time to get you guys back underwater that means in morning if not in water in few hours mermaids dry up quickly solomon take him away from here alright we will catched up cause her army was really thick now we had to retreat quickly not in the beach guys its not safe same tunnel we used to get here"

"Well emergency for drastic measures mama i got you honey its alright we can have more rounds underwater i promise you baby nobody will ever break my queen anymore yes you shared me how humans are cruel to mermaids thats why i had to protect you from further breaking down again okay no more pain mama im here with you all the time all this years watching you afar"

"Then why are you hiding your tail to me then now im a mermaid too but well fuck is that your penis and where are we anyway?"

"Atlantis is our new home love fuck its time to fertilized mama's eggs again and along with that sweet milk that i had to drink it too"

"Oh i dont forget papa's birthday dont you dear can you wait for me bit longer so you knew it too?"

"I love mama surprises dear sure i knew you make coral cakes so delicious anyway do you want me help in the kitchen?"

"Im fine stay there big finned husband" as he chuckled "okay all the way on the bed mama i will wait for you there but i admitted you need supervision"

"Im the cook here so will you mind we had a tiny kitchen here" as i told him "im staying in this door making sure no sirens swimming in here making sure to knock his windpipe here"

"Oh papa just stay in bed will you and kitchens all occupied now go please or you wont have any brunch papa"

"Fine i will let you cook honey and know around the kitchen whats that?" As i open my vagina and he start to licked it "fuck mama taste good fuck dont worry i just made sure mama is safe thats all that matters but if you insist me in bed so be it"

"Good till i tell you i will bring the tiny feast to you soon okay now your hungry are you?"

"You can tell mama it is my love alright papa stays in the bedroom where mama told me to go there" i made sure our brunch was ready and i cooked more meals for my very hungry heated husband "oh mama thats great meal you prepared for me already?"

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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