Part 7

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                                    The battle was won, and the news covered the victory and the death of Adam who was killed by a filthy janitor, spread throughout Hell that Charlie had saved her Hotel and her people causing a few Demons to consider the idea of redemption. As for the residents who were in the bunker, Lucifer helped them out and took the moment of victory to redo the Hotel with the help of KeeKee. The Hazbin Hotel was remodeled with everyone safely inside, ready to continue their path to redemption and to have a safe place to stay within Hell, Charlie couldn't be happier though their one casualty was Devyn who had been bedridden for two weeks now. Alastor had undressed the other to clean his wound and though he sensed his energy levels weakening every day, he didn't know what to do until Lucifer knocked on the door to enter,

"Can I help you?"

"Now, don't go being all rude, I'm here to help you. Seeing as you can't seem to figure out what your pet needs," Alastor narrowed his gaze as the King of Hell came to stand over Devyn's form, holding a hand out over the other to sense what he knew was the issue,

"Just as I thought, the corruption given to him by Illusion isn't the same as energy taken from another to feed him. He's not healing, he's dying." Alastor glared at the ground as he'd been foolish to think he was getting better and he was the one holding his contract, how did he not sense such a thing?

"What do I do to save him then?"

"Feed him, you bloody idiot!" Lucifer whirled around to snap at the other, Alastor jumped and glanced at the Hound who was unconscious, did that mean what he thought it meant? "Do you mean to tell me you made a Deal with an Incubus knowing full well you can't give him what he needs to survive? I mean I guess it doesn't have to be you, I could do it myself but I figured since you liked him enough to keep him close you'd want the honors?"  Alastor's ears went back as he glanced away, there was no way he could do what Devyn needed to be done and yet asking someone like the King to do something like that was just as bad.  Yet who else could do what they needed to do,

"I... I just have to kiss him right?"  Lucifer blinked at the other before something occurred to him, this man had to be a virgin, that or he was homophobic or something, taking one look at Devyn to see the mortal was downright hot and yet this one was hesitant to take action.

"Alastor, just give him some of your energy, feed him.  Either by a kiss or I think skin on skin can do a little at a time, get comfortable with it if you must but unless you want him to die... that corruption is going to keep eating him until he can get rid of it.  The only way to get rid of it is to use it but he can't if he has no energy to use it.  Make sense?"  Alastor normally hid his agitation but for the moment he sighed heavily in annoyance, the trouble this man was causing him, why did he ever make that damned deal to begin with though the thought of ripping the contract up came to mind.  Until he remembered what Devyn said about giving it to him to help control him, he wondered if this was what he meant, Lucifer took his leave to allow the other to decide though if Devyn did die he was sure his daughter would be upset about it.

"We still have much to discuss Alastor, do yourself a favor and keep what little allies you have on your side especially if you seek your freedom."  With that Lucifer left, Alastor slammed the door closed before leaning against it to bury his hands in his hair, though he held his smile the crazed look behind his eyes showed his mentality was cracking.  How was he supposed to do this when he'd never cared to do such a thing ever, with anyone, and literally it's the only way to save the life of another.  Of someone who was loyal without fault, Devyn had done all of this because he knew Alastor couldn't face the Angel on his own what with his deal constraining his abilities, and having to repay this debt was irritating.

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