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"You've got to be kidding." I scowled at the view, trying to slip under the dashboard to hide. "I told you guys I don't want anything to do with that fucker." Standing at the edge of the raging waters of the beach was a group of guys and at the center, much to my disgust, was Whitaker. In his hand, a cigarette was lit, and he was smoking it. I blinked a few times, sitting back in my seat and clicking the seatbelt on again. "Take me home. I'm not dealing with him."

"Aw, come on, 'Teia! We all know that you're just going to get back with him again anyway! We're just trying to move up the timeline some." My best friend in the driver's seat gave me a deadpan stare, reaching over me and unclipping the seatbelt. I grabbed the belt tightly, not letting it move, moving to click it back in. "Don't fight it! You two are meant to be!" From the backseat, the other girls all began to chant at me to get out of the car. I spun around to look at everyone, anger beginning to rise in my chest like a fire that had been sparked.
"Meant to be? That fucker burned me with a damn cigarette on purpose. I have enough self-worth to not want to be anywhere near the abusive dick." Charlotte rolled her eyes from the driver's seat, grabbing my right arm and showing me the scar that the cigarette had left. I sent her a glare, "And if you guys want to force me back with him, then you all are toxic as fuck. Never mind. I'll walk home." I pulled the lever of the door, opening it and stepping out.

The moment that my feet hit the asphalt, I heard him call. "Aeteia, baby! You've finally seen the error of your ways, have you? Well, all is forgiven. Come on, have a beer!" I originally began to walk away from him, deciding not to give him the time of day. "Hey, get back here!" I heard the doors slamming behind me as the rest of the girls got out of the car. Only seconds after, a hand grabbed my shoulder to try to force me to turn around.
Turning, I locked eyes with Charlotte, who looked as angry as I felt. "You don't get to just dump us. We've been friends since elementary school. Now," she grabbed my arm, practically throwing me in the direction of the beach, "go kiss and make up or else I will make you." I stumbled for a second, spinning around and slapping her as hard as I could.

"Touch me again and see what happens, bitch. I am a grown-ass woman. You can't tell me what the fuck to do." I began to try to walk away again, but a new hand grabbed my forearm as I did. I froze, every hair on my body raising as I realized who it was.
"Tsk tsk, Aeteia. You don't have anywhere to be. I would know of all people." Whitaker's voice was threatening, low and pinched. I pulled my arm out of his grip, looking up to see that the rest of the boys had encircled us all. I spun around to look at the traitors.

Whitaker was not a small guy; he had been on the football team when we were in high school, after all. His dark brown hair was cropped atop his head, his green eyes slit like a snake's. "What do you want, Whitaker? Your flying monkeys over here," I motioned to the girls, the other three holding back Charlotte, who tried to lurch forward to attack. "Have done their job."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "I didn't ask for them to bring you, but am I glad that they did. I missed you, baby." He grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him and tucking his head into my neck, biting. I gasped in pain, pushing at him. His grasp was strong; he tightened his grip. "You know that we are meant to be, my little flower." I growled, feeling the blood trickling from my neck as I brought up my knee between his legs as hard as I could. He dropped to the asphalt, his head smacking against it. I turned around to the other men, not caring how big they were. I shoved past them; they rushed to his side, helping him get back up to his feet.

"You little bitch! You're going to pay for that!" He shouted after me, the threat as empty as his brain. I smirked to myself, pulling out my phone from my pocket. I didn't have to scroll long before I pressed on the picture of my father.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
"Hey, Dad. Are you on your way home from work yet?" I looked over my shoulder, my eyes tracking the group as they stood there, staring at me as if I'd just killed their mothers. Whitaker's eyes were blazing white hot, wiping his mouth of the bile that he'd procured from the pain. His brother, Theo, began to walk towards me. I decided I'd walk and talk.
"Yeah, I am. Are you alright? You sound...annoyed, to say the least." I pursed my lips, disappointed that he was able to read my voice so well. I turned back around; Theo had closed half of the distance between us. I quickened my pace and my grip on my phone tightened.
"Just had a run-in with Whit."
"Ah. Anything happen? Do I need to take the baseball bat from the trunk?"
I paused at the thought, smirking at the possibility. Dad was a police officer, so he was more than capable of protecting me should I need it. "Nah, that's okay. Just a little kerfuffle happened. I dropped him to the ground though, just like you taught me."
"That's my girl. Where are you at? I can come grab you." I sighed in relief, glad that Dad was good at reading my mind for once. "Actually, don't say anything. I can get your location if you send it on your phone. Are you safe?"

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