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"Am I to believe that this is who we struggled to find for a week?" A loud voice boomed over me, leaving me shivering and kind of scared. I gingerly stepped forward, feeling around with my feet. I was worried that I was going to trip. "She's so young...and beautiful, if I might say so myself. Ah, Apollo, don't keep the poor thing in the dark; shed some light upon the room for her, will you?" Within moments, I heard a loud crackling that spread around the room, a bright green fire springing from torches and jumping from torch to torch all around the room. At the end of the room was a shoehorn shape of chairs. A few of the chairs were empty, but a majority were filled with people who screamed power.

In the center of it, in the far back, was a man that gave off the most power. He sat tall in his chair, a flashing bolt of pure electricity in his right hand, and his greying hair billowing around him. He wore a grey and blue toga that looked like it was very airy. His eyes, though, were what seared through my clothes and looked at me as if I was a piece of meat. "Welcome, welcome," he spoke, his voice bellowing across the room and echoing somehow. "Step inside, won't you? You look as if you've been through quite the ordeal." I hesitated for a moment before I nodded, stepping forward and into the end of the shoehorn shape.

A hush fell over the rest of the deities that surrounded me; I felt eyes from every direction on me, leaving me feeling almost self-conscious. The one that I was sure was Zeus spoke up. "Hello, Ms. Aeteia. I am Zeus, the King of the Gods. At my right-hand side is the lovely Lady Hera, my wife. We are all pleased that we have finally found you. We were looking fruitlessly for days." He sent a sharp look around the U until I caught eyes with a couple familiar faces.

The first one was the lady that had been outside my house, who had told me to run as far and fast as I could. She now was adorned in a dark green dress that flowed from beneath her and her eyes quickly looked away from me, as if trying not to gain attention to herself.

On the other side of the U, closer to Zeus, sat the man that had called himself Aidan when I'd met him. He was a bit less shy than the woman, his eyes wandering over my body as he took me in. I glared at him, which caused him to blanche a little bit and look back out to the middle of the U instead of me.

"I see you've accommodated our style here; very good, very good. Now that you're here, I can confirm that you are indeed a Grecian Goddess. I leave you in the very capable hands of my wife, who will teach you everything that you need to know about being a Grecian Goddess. This will include learning our customs, our laws, and our history. She will attempt to teach you all this in the next three days. There will be a grace period of a month for you to memorize and learn everything, but until then you have full leeway from our laws. It was very nice to meet you, but this meeting is adjourned." He slammed his electric bolt on the ground a few times and the group began to disperse, leaving me only feeling more confused than ever.

Lady Hera approached me with a smile upon her lips. She was a beautiful woman with pale skin and long, braided blonde hair that was adorned with a peacock green jewel in the center of her hair, braided into the hair flawlessly. She had blue eyes and full lips. She held herself straight-backed with a regal air about her that commanded respect. She had a small smile upon her lips when she approached, which seemed to be plastered on for show.

"Hello, Ms. Aeteia. I am Hera, the Queen of the Gods here in Olympus. If you are to stay here with us, safe from the outside world and those who would wish to use you for their own use, you have much to learn. Firstly, when in a meeting with the other Olympians, you must always state your name and your power-source. Since we won't know your power-source until the Celestial Magus arrives, that can be left out for now."

"Now, the first thing that I expect you to learn is etiquette. I will be watching the class, but you will be taught directly by Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love. Have you any questions?"

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