i missed you | Will not found AU

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Chapter type:
A little bit of angst.

This chapter includes,
Will Byers not found AU
Depressed Mike Wheeler AU

Since Will wasn't found, everything changes, Mike and El aren't together and he never met Jane Hopper.
This takes part in S2, since he never met Jane, life was normal for all of them. Expect for Mike, he missed his best friend dearly.

{Mike's POV}

I sat in my bed, eyes puffy. It's been a year since I saw my best friend, Will.
It didn't feel the same without him. Everything had changed now that he's gone, I don't feel the same, ever since they found his dead body floating in the water,was the day I wanted to die. I miss him so much, I miss our DND nights, our sleepovers, everything.

Oh shit, I remembered I haven't visited Will's grave today. I stood up and wore my jacket, after his passing, I didn't feel like wearing bright clothes or something. I walked out of my room and went down the stairs, Everyone except the Byers family and me haven't stopped mourning, I don't know why people aren't, Will was the best, he was kind, smart, amazing, cute.. I can't deny it but I love Will. Romantically.

I walked out the house and rode my bike to the graveyard, Will's grave. I started tearing up. I can't believe he's dead, I looked for him for 8 months straight after he was declared dead. I couldn't believe he was, it didn't sit right with me.
People, including Luke and Dustin thought I was insane and stopped hanging out so much. I heard that Luke got a girl named Max or something. I'm not sure but I don't care. They're all fake.

I finally reached Will's grave, I was sobbing uncontrollably. I can't believe he's gone. I sat near Will's grave, crying even more.
"Hey Will.. I'm here for my daily visit. Everything isn't the same without you, I miss you a lot and I would do anything to have you by my side again. I love you Will." I said, crying and sniffling. I felt really tired and suddenly I fell asleep near his grave.
. . .
I woke up, feeling someone tugging on my jacket. "M-mike..?" Someone said,i could barely open my eyes. it was such a familiar voice.. like.. Will..?
I opened my to see Will Byers, crying, I was shocked, I didn't know what to say, I thought he was dead this whole time. I was at lost for words so I pulled him into a passionate kiss. It was stupid of me I know, but what if your crush went missing for 1 year and never came back? You'd clearly kiss them too. I felt him kiss me back and cup my left cheek, we broke the kiss and looked in each other's eyes, I scanned his face, he had scars on his face,black eye bags like mine and was blushing, he looked beautiful.
"W-where have you been Will..? I thought you're dead.." I sobbed. "I-lt's a long story.. Can we go to your house and I'll try to explain everything there, and keep me hidden.. No one can know I'm alive." He said. I was shocked but agreed. We had to walk to my house secretly because no one could know he was alive. We ran and ran until we reached my house and I helped him climbed the window to my bedroom. I ran to the front door and entered my house, running to my bedroom seeing if Will was there, I saw him there and felt happy seeing Will again.
I locked the door as Will sat on my bed. I sat next to him and stared at him. He stared back and we were both staring at each other. We kept staring, before Will leaned in and kissed me without warning, it felt amazing and his lips were soft. I held his waist as he put one hand on my shoulder and one hand on my cheek. I felt like I was tearing up and then a teardrop fell from my face, he noticed and wiped it away. We pulled away, both of us blushing. "Mike, you got even more attractive.." He smiled, I immediately blushed at him, "I could say the same about you." I laughed as he blushed more. He really did get hotter, but he's still the same old Will.
It was silent. Both boys sitting in pure silence. "Will, I love you. I've loved you since we were young, I missed you so much, where did you go. I've been waiting for you this whole time." I sobbed, both of us were crying.
"I really can't explain, I was going home with Dustin aafter our DnD game and we were biking together and.. When we partner ways.. all the sudden I.." He said before sobbing into my shoulder. "hey.. It's alright you're safe with me. If u feel like you can't explain it you don't have too.. Okay..?" I said hugging him as he cried.
Will finally stopped crying after a few minutes. "I really can't explain, I wish I can but what I saw will never make me the same again.. And Mike.." He said, "y-yes..?" I replied nervously, he made eye contact with me. "I love you too." He said smiling. I couldn't control my happiness and kissed him again as he kissed me back.
We broke the kiss as we stared at each other with red puffy eyes. "What does that make us..?" He asked.
"Boyfriends." I smiled. We both blushed as we both held each other's hand. I kissed him again but it was just a quick peck on the lips.
"So where's Luke and Dustin?" He asked me, my face saddened as I remember why they left me. "We're not as close as before. But I heard Luke got a girlfriend, she's a redhead." I explained, "so who have you been hanging out with..?" He asked me, "i don't hang out with anyone, I kinda just kept on looking for you. People thought I was crazy for that and left me." I said, I saw his face expression sadden and I kissed his cheek to reassure him that I was okay, I was more than okay now that he's here, I was over the moon.
"Okay.. So now you need a shower and after this I'll take you to Joyce, okay?" I said, changing the topic.
When he heard the name Joyce his face lightened up. "r-really..?" He asked, "yes really." I smiled. He looked like he was in a lost for words so he jumped on me and leaned in to kiss me, it was passionate and his soft lips felt so amazing onto mine. We broke the kiss and happily walked to the bathroom, I could tell he was overexcited. I walked over and picked out clothes for him. I can't wait to have our old life together again, now as boyfriends.! I smiled as I looked through my clothes, looking for something to give Will to wear.

{A/N:Hi, I hope you enjoyed, pls leave requests if you want, hope you have a great day. }
words : 1214

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