Your the best medicine

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Alright I'm back. This one will be fluffy! Credit goes to @Chrookshanks45  for the idea, May, you are a literal saint. 

At the time of writing this, I have just published the first two parts of my other book. I am very frustrated and angry and maybe crying a little bit. So if the fluff seems forced, it is because it kinda is.

Enjoy~ Evie 

Thomas felt like shit. He was sitting in his en suite ( wait. Did I spell that right. Idfk. Idfc at this point) with his back resting on the door. His face was sweaty and pale. His head was burning but his body felt ice cold. His hands were boiling to the touch, but felt colder the an iceberg to Thomas. His nose was running like a tap, his vision watery. Thomas had his knees pulled into his chest, shivering even though it was 23 degrees outside,( Celsius ). 

'Tommy, are you alright in there?' Newts voice sounded muffled through the door. But Thomas could still hear the soft British accent that he fell in love with. To bad newt would never feel the same way.

'I-im fine-' Thomas spoke hoarsely, his voice nasal and gravelly, heavy with sleep.

'Tommy you have been in there for 45 minutes and for the last 13 I heard you throwing up. You are not fine. I'm coming in.' Newt shouted shoving the door open, opening it to a very unwell Thomas, pale and skinny, not to mention sweaty, with his head in his knees , shaking.

' oh tommy' newt spoke softly, kneeling down beside Thomas, ' comere' he said opening up his arms for the brunette. Thomas uneasily shifted his wait before weakly putting his head on the blondes chest. Thomas' heart flutter a bit, being so close to the older boy.

' gotta go to work newt,' Thomas muttered into newts chest.

'Tommy, you to sick to even stand up. You are not going to work today and neither am I. Common,' newt stood up, and hooked his arms around Thomas' back and knees, carrying him bridal style. 'To the couch!'

Newt carried him to their living room before gently placing his best friend on the couch. Best friend. Thomas thought bitterly, all I'll ever be is his needy best friend.

'Would you like some tea tommy? I just put the kettle on' newt said, as he draped a blanket over Thomas.

Thomas nodded his head, snuggling into the blanket. A minute later, newt returned with two cups of tea. He placed the both on the table, and snuggled under the blanket with Thomas. 

' comere tommy' he spoke quietly, and he punned Thomas into his chest. Thomas closed his eyes and relaxed at the sound of newts heartbeat, strong and steady. His eyes fluttered as he found him self drifting to sleep.

'I love you newtie, you're so nice to me.' Thomas sleepily muttered.

Newt kissed his head softly ' I love you too, tommy'

'No you don't get it. I love you newt. I have since the day we meet. I'm in love with you.' Thomas muttered, his words slightly sLured with sleep.

Newt drew a sharp breath. ' y-you mean that?'

Newt felt thomas' head nodding on his chest.

Newt lightly traced shapes on Thomas's back, and whispered in the half asleep boys ear,

'Then I love you too, tommy'

' newtie, your the best medicine' Thomas spoke, his words almost gibberish , so heavy with sleep. With that, Thomas fell asleep. After a while, newt fell asleep too. They stayed like that all day, until Thomas got better, laying together.


Annnnd it's done! Hazzah! This was actually quite fun to write so comment if you liked it. Comment if it's shit! Idfc rn. I really hope you enjoyed this chapter, as from now on I will be trying to update on fridays. No promises tho. But the updates might come in bursts like 4 one week none the next. Anyways, have a lovely Sunday, and rest of your week



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