Chapter 4

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Naomi sat during her periods idolising the idea of going outside, getting fresh air. Basically having a life where she didn't have to worry about her schooling. She glared at the back of her teacher's head trying her best to go unnoticed as Stu yapped in her ear.

"Oh and I was wondering if you would like to come to my house?" Stu asks with a wide smile on his face. His hands under his chin grinning at her.

"Yeah that sounds good," she smiled looking directly into his glowing eyes.

She sets her attention back to the teacher as Stu continues to stare at her. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever met. His focus for so long was on Billy but now it seemed to be stuck on her. She was what was running through his mind even though Billy was right in front of him. He needed to be around her. So of course as the bell rang he hurled her off towards the water fountain, where the rest of his friends sat already, Billy following idly behind.

Naomi was happy and still wanted to spend time with Stu, especially considering with him around, she could stay under the radar. He is a very confident, loud and expressive person though, sometimes it could be annoying, in school situations it came to her benefit. She didn't want to be around Sydney and unfortunately she was being dragged directly to her new sister and her prissy blonde friend.

"Oh, it's the rude friend who walked off this morning?" Tatum spoke looking up at Naomi and her boyfriend with narrowed eyes. "Why are you with my boyfriend?"

Naomi stared at her with snake-like eyes that were almost venomous to even look at. "I wouldn't talk shit if I were you blondie."

The blonde girl straightened up a bit and sent daggers to Naomi with a fake smile. She began to stand up looking directly into Naomi's cold eyes. Stu could recognise those eyes anywhere.

"Can you stop Naomi honestly" Sidney spoke moving towards the two girls with an annoyed look.

"Or keep going, this is extremely hot to watch."

Tatum glared at Stu due to his remark while Naomi winked at him. Stus' cheeks grew red at the attention and Billy smirked at his facial expression.

The boy whom Naomi met early with glasses suddenly appeared though he seemed confused by the hostility of the situation before him. "What's going on?" He questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

"Naomi here was just mad at something," Sidney said, brushing it off as she sat down again on the edge of the fountain. Naomi fought against her own will power to push her in and instead dug her nails into her palm to forget. Billy watched with a smug smile.

Naomi sat to the ground with an annoyed laugh before she pulled a cigarette out of her bag, quickly lighting it to ease the tension in her body. Billy watched her breathe out smoke with her plumped pursed lips and he couldn't deny she was attractive. Even if he didn't trust her.

"Naomi, don't smoke the teachers will see, besides it's bad for you," Sidney scolded as if she was her parent or something.

"If you don't want me to murder your bestie over there, I can either smoke or fuck some right on the ground here, your decision," she smiled sarcastically.

Sidney's cheeks grew red at her bluntness embarrassed to be tied to such a girl. Stu smirked giddily turning to the girl besides him and brushing a loose strand of hair out of her face whispering, "you can fuck me anytime you need to release tension."

"I will hold you to that."

Billy heard and glared at Stu for forgetting about their in which he had to date Tatum. He had to make sure that Stu wasn't drawn in by the idea of Naomi Rhyder so a plan began to form in his head. "How do you know each other anyway," Billy said, eyeing both Naomi and his girlfriend.

"My dad just started fostering her," Sidney spoke, not caring about Naomi's feelings as she sat quickly taking another puff. Billy analysed the action with curiosity perhaps this was a sensitive topic for her and an easy way to make her crumble.

With one last puff Naomi squashed the cigarette to the concrete picking up her bag and walking off. It was clear she was done with the conversation, especially considering she hated unwanted attention.

Though she didn't hear Billy and Stu subtly conversing how Naomi wasn't going to make it to Stu house tonight.

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