Chapter 7

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Absolutely addicting. That was the only way Naomi Rhyder could explain Billy Loomis and Stuart Macher. Every moment she spent with them she couldn't get enough. She was fully intoxicated. From Stus bubbly personality to Billy's cold and mysterious aura she was entranced. Especially when they all shared plans.

She could remember the day clearly. The day was bright while they wrote their own personal hit list. Billy wanted to kill Sydney and was happy to take anyone else down who could be in the way. Stu wanted to kill Tatum so that he could finally be rid of her and put his focus on his true adoration and also his ex Casey because she cheated on him. And finally Naomi wanted to kill Neil, her backstabbing father for ruining her life. She was completely fine with killing, especially family.

Naomi also knew that Stu and Billy were very new killers and didn't have as much experience as her, she feared what would have happened to the boys if she didn't fix the details to the plan. Though she was confident that they could in fact murder well, there wasn't much apprehension in allowing them to complete the first stage in the plan. Though now she was blasting music through her headphones and making up fake scenarios in order to pass time. Humming her songs she was aware as two boys snuck through her window crawling into the bed next to her.

With a wide grin she moved to a kneeling position, taking off her head phones to draw her full attention to them, "how did my boys do?"

"There both dead strung up from a tree in the backyard of Casey's home, found by her parents," Billy recited what happened.

Naomi smiled proudly at the pair, she was proud. Her boys had little killing experience and yet they were doing so good, she expressed her thoughts. "You're doing such a good job."

While Billy rolled his eyes Stus' contagious smile seemed to double as he looked at the girl, "really?" He asked with an excited glint in his eyes.

Instead of replying Naomi patted his cheek giving him a quick kiss there afterwards as if she was a proud mother or something. She then sat her on her bed, legs and arms crossed as she looked up at her boys. "Aren't you meant to be going to your girlfriends now?"

Although Naomi didn't particularly like the idea, it was essential towards the plan that Stu and Billy were to go visit them, creating a solid alibi was always important especially as their murders increased; Stu certainly didn't want to see Tatum, Billy also did not want to see Sidney, no it seemed both boys thought were plagued with their girl, Naomi Rhyder. Naomi Rhyder was definitely not a good person, with her smoking, drinking, killing and sexual addictions it seemed as if she was a lost cause, she was perfectly made to infest the earth for Satan; even if she was the devil she was an angel in their eyes, the one that they could forever love. A saviour.

"Please can we say," Stu pouted flaring exaggeratedly at Naomi's room. The dark blue walls almost begging for them to stay longer.

"How about this if you stay all night at Tatum's house, you can spend all night tomorrow night with me," Naomi suggested.

Stu smiled at the offer before kissing her entire face though not her lips. He wanted to spend as much time as possible with her and yet he had never even slept over. He definitely was taking the deal. He rushed out the room through the window to go to Tatum's house.

Billy stayed put.

"You don't like my deal?" Naomi said, smirking at the brunette. "Sidney is just the room next door."

"Hmmm," Billy hummed in thought, "I just don't like you bossing me around, I'm the man."

"Actually you're a boy, and no boy tells me what to do."

Billy didn't like this; he roughly grabbed her shoulders, pushing her against the door to her room. "You think you're so powerful but I could kill you right now."

"Really?" Naomi faked being innocent and scared, "why don't you try?"

Billy was momentarily stunned. Did she really want to die? Hesitantly he brought a hand to her throat and began to squeeze at her oesophagus, her eyes watered as her oxygen was cut. Billy stared at her; he loved the way her eyes almost begged forgiveness. He loved the way her full lips would make strangled gasping sounds. He truly thought Naomi looked beautiful painfully under him.

That was until she smirked.

Naomi grabbed Billy's hand and spun them around so that now he was trapped against the wall. Chest to chest Naomi had no hesitation as she reached her hand out towards his neck, lightly choking him. Somehow she still looked beautiful in this position to Billy. Naomi definitely preferred him being the one choking.

"You can not kill me, never try," Naomi started in a demanding tone, "now go to the next room over and visit your little girlfriend."

Naomi let go of his neck before pacing a light kiss there. Walking across the room she laid on her bed watching as he begrudgingly climbed out the window.

Everything was going to plan.

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