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A/N: This may be profoundly unsexy and weird. You've been warned.

Having finally made up after yesterday, and exhausted from a long day of rekindling their love, the couple went to bed. After Bell had lowered herself onto the bed, she proceeded to further lower her string, such that it hung around herself loosely instead of being taut like usual. Whatever engine of motion it was within her that enabled her to swing around the string, roll on the floor or glide forwards, it was also sufficient for her to tip herself over onto her side, and to roll around after having done so.

That she did, falling onto a pillow to face Snowball, who whether by coincidence or intent; no one knows, was facing towards her, already covered from the shoulder down by a blanket.
They stared at each other with unfathomably great love.

Bell spoke: "I'm glad we're past yesterday."

"Me too." Snowball answered with a mixture of shame and relief.

They continued looking at each other longingly.

After some time, Snowball moved over to her on the bed and removed the covers from under her, as she had lowered herself into the bed with no way to tuck herself in.

He then threw the covers that were no longer stuck under her over her.

Together under the blankets, and already close, he scooted just a little closer to her and nuzzled her.

Exiting the nuzzle, he cast an expecting glance towards Bell's bottom and inquired:
"So, how's it down there?"

"Gosh, Snowball, no need to be so crass." she play-complained.
Without an answer and with determination and will, he responded: "I'll go see for myself."

As she thought of what to say next, he went further under the blankets until he reached her bottom, where he steadied himself.

After and internal count of three, he threw himself onto a segment of the circular edge of Bell's bottom, succesfully splitting away about 45% of himself, that part also having his limbs disappear from itself, with those limbs reappearing on his reduced-in-size body.

He felt a little light-headed, but still managed to throw his now halfsphere shaped body against Bell's edge again, losing almost half of it once again. Now he'd halved himself in two dimensions, one was left. Repeating the process by splitting off half his size along the length of his biggest remaining dimension, he was now roughly a quarter of his usual size.

Just imagine cutting a sphere, such as an orange, into quarters by cutting across it in an X shape.
You get these sorta "moons", shaped like a filled in D, right? Well, take one of those and cut it in half ---D--. That's the shape.
Doesn't really matter. Snowball is just small now, ok?

Remembering an important step, Snowball grabbed the three split-off parts of himself, 7 times heavier than his present body, climbed out from under the blankets and threw the pieces into a bucket kept beside the bed for just this purpose.

The feat of strength earned him a look of admiration from his wife.
He climbed back down the blankets. They were of room temperature, as was Bell.

Now's as good a time as any (it's really not, but idc,) to mention Bell's lack of thermoregulation and Snowball's preference for coldness in everything. He couldn't stand the presence of either of the Fireys, senior nor junior, unless they had eaten yoyleberries, and so in this promiscuous, sex-driven era, he'd been well aware that he was outta luck with most women, who enjoyed hot sex, that consisting of both partners having high temperatures. Snowball wanted the exact opposite.

Bell, too, had a somewhat harder time, though many men seemed rather impartial to the concept of having to warm her up themselves. It would have been the last straw regarding romantic compatibility, had her armlessness not already been a massive difficulty to constructing a mutually respectful relationship.

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