(TacoBlocky) War Criminal's Infidelity

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This one will contain mentions of rape, cannibalism and killing in war, which I obviously do not condone, and in fact disapprove of immensely.

On account of the vulgar subject matter, vulgar language will be making it's debut in my fic(Fico?) as well.


In 1917, in Mexico, Tortilla went to his weekly meeting of the young socialist club with a newspaper in his pocket, but it wasn't neccessary. By the time he arrived, everyone was already talking about recent events with far greater passion than usual. Their dreams were coming true, after all. Needless to say, it was barely a month before a means of transport for themselves and a substantial supply of armaments was arranged. Through what's worthy of a story of it's own, the youths got smuggled to Leningrad.

They joined some brigade or other, and before you know it, the Russian civil war was over and Tortilla was married to a lovely girl by the name of Ghoulash. He'd gotten a job in a factory in Leningrad, and soon he had a little daughter, Taco. He was toiling away, but it was good work. He was building the socialist utopia after all!

Little Taco grew and matured, and at a pioneer meeting, she met a mischievous young lad named Blocky. His dad, Log, actually worked in the same factory as Tortilla, and had the luxury of living right beside it.

"Most certainly unrelated", according to a local party member, to their living conditions was the mental retardation of Blocky's younger brother, Woody. The poor boy couldn't even speak.

Taco was routinely upset by Blocky's misdeeds, but always forgave him when she saw him caring for his "little bro". She quite correctly ascribed Woody's low amount of scars to Blocky protecting him from bullies.

As Taco and Blocky reached adulthood, they discovered within themselves that the revolution was calling them to proliferate and expand the socialist union.

They dedicated their wedding celebration to comrade Steel and the party, and toasted to the annexation of Eastern Poland.

They even had a honeymoon on the Black Sea coast. The beaches were pleasantly sparse in population, accomodation cheap, and whenever the two gave in to his instincts, the bushes were thornless, spacious, lush and private.

They returned to Leningrad, going into factory work.

And then came the news. The Germans had betrayed the pact! Log's chainsmoking caught up with him, and the young couple was left to care for the mentally retarded 20-year-old Woody.

They managed, somehow, until the city was besieged. Rations got low, and nothing was spared for the "useless fool". All's fair in love and war and all that.

After about a month, Woody succumbed to starvation. Perchance.

The siege continued. Taco and Blocky made do. One day, comrade Hammer knocked on their door. When Blocky opened, a gun of some sort was haphazardly thrown into his face. He'd barely caught it before hearing his bored soon-to-be commander: "Follow me, we've got a city to defend. "

Blocky somehow survived through the siege, and accumulated a fairly large killcount during several succesfull ambushes. When the city was finally relieved, Hammer's band of renegade partisans were ordered to integrate into the army, and Hammer was never seen again. 40 years later his name would be found in some old recordbooks during their declassification.

Regardless, Blocky performed pretty well in the army, and fought all the way to Berlin.
Then it was over.

Blocky was back, and ready to forget everything he'd seen others and himself do on the front. He had no intention of letting it get to him.

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