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NOW  –  APRIL 2018

ifeya grinned at her baby as he reached his little hands out for her, over-excited to see his mamãe after a long day without her.

"oi, fofinho." she happily took him into her arms, peppering kisses to his chubby cheeks, making him giggle excitedly. she turned to her sister, giving her a grateful smile, leaning forward as they kissed each other's cheeks, "thank you, ani. so much."

anila smiled back at her older sister, "i love having my little nephew round. we're always happy to help out, you know that, feya."

"i know." she exhaled, pressing kisses into juno's shoulder as he tilted his head to rest his cheek on her shoulder, "thank you, though. he's still almost one."

anila shrugged, "yeah, well, omar helps out a lot, so. it's better having your man around."

ifeya's only response was a small hum, feeling slightly deflated at the unintended jab her sister gave her about her boyfriend.

anila quickly caught on, and shook her head quickly, "sorry, i'm sorry. didn't mean that."

"i know, i'm sorry. doesn't matter." she brushed it off, mostly for herself than for her sister. it had been a year, but she was still trying her absolute best to ignore it all.

"how was work?"

ifeya let out a small chuckle, rubbing the palm of her hand over her son's back, letting him cling onto her tight, afraid she had to leave again, "hm, it was okay. the same, really."

ifeya worked as a hairdresser. she had wanted to become one when she was a child, because she loved to do people's hair for them. boy or girl, it didn't matter. and, she was actually quite good at it. she used to do her sister's all the time when she was a teenager. 

when neymar asked her to move to barcelona with him, though, she drifted away from it, and eventually quit her job. she was upset to, but she didn't was nervous to work in a different country, and, she didn't want to be without him in a different country. even though they lived together. another bonus was that she didn't really need a job with her footballer fiancé. 

just late last year was when she went back to her job, and they happily welcomed her back. luckily, her old boss still worked there and allowed her to only work three days a week as a newly single parent, to which she was forever grateful for.

anila nodded slowly with a laugh herself, leaning against the front doorframe, "have you talked to neymar recently? he called while you were at work."

"uhm, no, i haven't. we don't usually. not unless he calls to see juno. and no, i don't know when he's next coming to visit. world cup and all." she pressed kisses to juno's cheeks again as she spoke.

anila hummed with another nod, handing juno's bag back off to her as she began to turn around to get in the car. she waved off her sister and her nephew, "drive safe, te amo."

ifeya opened the back door to her car, bouncing juno in her arms as they both waved to anila, "te amo."

once she got juno safely secured in his car seat, and got his car-mirror sorted out, she shut the door and waved to her sister the last time before jumping in the front seat, headed for home.


after locking the front door behind her, ifeya kicked her shoes off by the door, dumping her keys in the small bowl beside the door, and setting juno's bag over one of the kitchen stools.

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