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despite being back in her pyjamas, no longer in pain, sweaty, out of the uncomfiest hospital gown known to man, and accompanied by a new beautiful baby boy, she still wasn't as happy as she wanted to be.

she wasn't angry, but she was disappointed, and upset. even her mother came, which only made her feel even more disappointed in her fiancé. 

she kept a happy facade, though. even though her fiancé wasn't there, and no one would blame her if she looked unhappy, she didn't want to ruin her day. more specifically, her baby's first day. but, what she couldn't help, was to sit in silence. not an ounce of energy in her body.

she laid back in her seat, cradling her baby in her arms, humming softly to him. she was too hurt to look away from him, using him as her source of healing. some part of her wanted to look away, though, mostly because he already looked more like his father, and any reminder of him at that moment made her want to cry.

"you–" her mother glanced over her shoulder at her soon-to-be son-in-law's family, and lowered her voice, "you've wasted your life on him, ifeya, and he can't even be bothered to show up for the birth of his son. you never listened to me when i told you to leave him, look where you are now."

"larissa." her father snapped, also glancing at the family across the room, sighing, "if you have nothing to say but petty jabs, then leave. you're obviously not wanted here if you're gonna be like that."

her mother clenched her jaw, listening to her husband, and didn't bother to spare her grandson a chance when she spun on her heel and left the room. ifeya didn't even react, too numb to think, let alone stick up for her fiancé again.

her mother paused at the door, though, before she shoved her way through, and everyone knew who had finally arrived. four hours late. so, their families made their way out behind her, and their presence was quickly replaced by that of her fiancé.

"oh, fey." he shut the door behind him, washing his hands quickly at the sink beside it, before rushing over to her, "i'm sorry, baby. i'm so sorry."

"i didn't hear my phone, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry." he let out a soft breath, finally getting to see his son. he smiled, sitting down on the arm, fingertips running over his cheeks, "hi, filho."

the sound of her fiancé's coos to their baby sparked up some emotion inside of her. it was something she'd always wanted to hear. her man talking to their baby. but, it was ruined by the fact that he wasn't there. 

tears clouded her vision, but she didn't sob, or cry, she just let them sit there. if they fell, they fell, "he doesn't wanna breastfeed, we have to use formula."

he lifted his gaze to look at her, using his free hand, which was closest to her, to run through her hair. she tilted her head away from him, silent tears falling down her cheeks.

he furrowed his brows, feeling the guilt from earlier resurface. he'd stepped out the club for a moment to drive his car round to pick his drunk friends up, when he'd looked at his phone. he'd had countless missed calls and texts from his fiancée, his sister, his mother, and his father. he'd never been so quick to dump his friends alone and race through traffic to get to the hospital. he was sweating with guilt the whole way there.

"no, don't– don't cry, baby." he used his thumb to wipe her tears away, wanting her to look at him, but she didn't, "baby– baby, i'm so sorry. i'm so so sorry– please, don't cry."

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚 : 𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘫𝘳Where stories live. Discover now