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"when can i go see them, then?"

neymar's father, neymar sr, sighed. he looked up with his eyes, setting on his son, sitting directly across from him.

"you have a very busy few months ahead of you, junior." senior shook his head in thought, flicking through the papers in front of him, "with the world cup coming up in two months, you have a lot–"

"i didn't ask about that, i asked when i could go see fey and juno." neymar cut his father off, folding his arms and setting them down on the glass table, looking over at him expectantly.

senior hummed to himself, eyes scanning the papers, searching for any gap in his son's upcoming games and training sessions. as much as he searched, though, no gaps were coming up for him.

"i don't know, filho. might have to wait until after." senior finally looked up from the paper on the table, shrugging his shoulders with a look of empathy. he raised his brows, a thought popping into his mind, "oh, it's juno's birthday soon, isn't it? his first? why don't you just send something over, give them a call. i'm sure feya'll understand."

neymar stared back at his father for a moment, a look of disbelief on his face. he shook his head, furrowing his brows in confusion, "uhm, no. it's juno's first birthday, i'm his pai, and i haven't seen him in a while. i'm gonna be there."

he shrugged, leaning back in his seat, "anyway, it's fey's birthday next month too. i wanna see her." he exhaled, mumbling under his breath to himself, "i miss her."

his father seemed to hear him, though, and he let out a chuckle, "oh, everyone knows you miss her, filho."

neymar's brows pinched together in confusion, gaze diverting from his hands to meet his father's, "hm?"

"well, you don't exactly sugarcoat it, do you? you don't try to hide it." he moved the papers out of the way, turning fully to the conversation with his son this time, "barely leave the house, the only times being when you're here, training, or at a game. barely come out of your room, even. if you do, it's 'cause you're playing video games."

he opened his mouth to reply, but shut it, sinking further into his seat. hating how right his father was. not even wanting to face it himself.

"you– junior, for fuck's sake, you've been sleeping with one of her hoodies every night since fey broke it off. like a baby." senior chuckled even more when he noticed his son avoiding eye contact with him, too embarrassed to look at him, "when you both came home with juno for the first time and you slept in different rooms, you cried yourself to sleep."

"how–" neymar's face contorted into a look of confusion, sitting up a little bit, "you don't know that."

senior gave him an 'are you serious' look, and shook his head, "i raised you, junior. i think i know when you haven't slept and when you've been crying."

"anyway." neymar cleared his throat before his father could say much else, and he sat up properly, gesturing down to his schedule, "i'm taking a few games off, then. i'm sure they can manage without me for a few weeks."

senior furrowed his brows, "a few weeks? psg aren't giving you over two hundred mil to just not play for them."

"i get paid anyway." neymar shrugged, reaching forward to look at the papers himself, "i want the rest of this month off, and then next month too." 

"you can't–"

"pai, if you know me so well, then you should know feya and juno mean way more to me than fucking football."

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