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like second-nature, neymar wasted no time in using his spare key to unlock the front door to ifeya's home.  it was quiet, especially since it was only around eight in the morning, but with the sun shining through the windows, it was warm and light. 

it was always around the same time when neymar arrived at ifeya's. he timed out his flights and the drive to her house so perfectly that he'd be there right at the start of the day, even if both her and juno were always asleep. if there was one trait that juno got from ifeya, it would be how much they loved their lie-ins.

he locked the door behind him, dumped his bag on her sofa, and kicked his shoes off, jogging up the stairs. ifeya never bothered to close the doors in her house, considering it was just her and her baby there. so, neymar peeked into juno's room, seeing that he was in a deep sleep. his long thick eyelashes resting on his chubby cheeks, lips pushed out into a pout, mimicking the way neymar slept.

next, he headed straight for ifeya's room. she was snoozing softly, dark, wavy hair strewn over her pillows, stray pieces dangling over her forehead. her covers where pushed down to her waist, with one arm stretched out beside her, and the other tucked under her pillow. whenever ifeya slept, she just looked like she was resting her eyes. she never looked deeply asleep, she just looked like she had her eyes closed. always so beautiful.

he didn't want to disturb her peaceful sleep, so he figured he'd take a look around her room instead, even though he knew every little nook and cranny in every room of her home, having bought it for her a week or two after juno was born.

he picked up a sugar cookie scented candle and lifted it to his nose, inhaling the sweet, delicious scent. he hummed in approval, inhaling the scent one last time before setting it back down. he walked over to her window, pulling the curtain open a little bit so he could see outside into the garden. he thought over all the times when he'd drag her out of bed at his other home, their other home, and throw her in the pool, even if she was in her pyjamas. she hated it every time he did it when she was in her pyjamas, wishing he'd do it if she was wearing her underwear, or nothing, instead.

he heard the sound of bedsheets ruffling from behind him, and he turned around, watching her roll onto her back and stretch her arms out. he walked over to her, sitting on the edge of her bed just beside her.

"hi, fey." he whispered gently, running the tips of his fingers over her forearm, where her pyjama sleeve had ridden up.

she let out a breath, eyes still closed, humming in response.

he couldn't get to her's often, so he basked in it when he was there. he took his time with everything. he took his time talking to her, spending time with his son. everything, apart from getting there. he rushed that part.

he loved seeing her in the mornings. he always had. it was his most favourite thing. she always looked so peaceful, so comfy, so warm. and she was. her skin was always so warm. it was always so hot. if he was ever cold, he'd always rolled over and used her as his hot water bottle. he'd craved her every moment since the birth of their son. he yearned for her. every morning he'd wake up, pretending he was waiting for her to get back from the bathroom.

"how you feeling?" he breathed out, eyes softening at the sight of her.

she rubbed her eyes, before peeking them open at him, "m'good. you?"

"yeah, i'm good now." he nodded, voice still just above a whisper. he'd never felt more at home than he did when he was with her. it didn't matter where they were, as long as she was by his side, "you, uhm, think i could stay here instead? instead of going to our house after a week?"

𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚 : 𝘯𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘫𝘳Where stories live. Discover now