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Here is the first chapter of this book..hope u all will like it and support me like u all did in previous stories..

Let's start..

It was a beautiful morning..

A boy was seen sleeping over his stomach..suddenly the alarm clock rings disturbing his sleep..he groan a little and turned the alarm off..

Meanwhile a lady entered in his room..and saw him still sleeping..

Lady: I knew it..he always offs the alarm..I didn't know why he sets alarm when he has to wake up late always..

Lady: [pulled off his blanket] get up u sleepy head..

Boy: [lazily] let me sleep..

Lady: wake up right now ATHARV VIRENDRA PRATAP SINGH or else no gym for one week..

Atharv wake up with jerk and saw her with a grumpy face..

Lady: don't stare me..

Atharv: how can u always blackmail me..u know na I love my gym then why..[he was interrupted by her]

Lady: I know..and this is the only way u wake up..and tell me one think why u set the alarm..to off it in the morning..

Atharv: [hug her] hehe..mumma I love you..

Purvi [his mother] love u too my son..now go and get ready..

Atharv: mumma where is dad..I want to ask him something..

Purvi: he is with his princess..and ya your grandfather was calling you..dont u hv to go on a walk with him..

Atharv: ohh yes..i should leave soon..[he ran]

She just watched him going then smile at his behavior.

After sometime

All had their breakfast..atharv was also ready..he went to his parents..saw his dad there..

Atharv: dad..

Vir [his father] yes..

Atharv: I want to talk to you..

Vir: [saw him] if it's about that..then my answer is no..

Atharv: why dad..do you think I m not capable enough for this..don't you trust me..

Vir: shut up..u know it's nothing like that..[saw his sad face..came near him] I just want you to enjoy your life right now..this business and all u can join afterwards also..but right now just focus on your life and enjoy it..ok

Atharv: no dad..I want to help you..I want to learn from you..you also started handling things at early age right..then why not me?

Vir: my case was different..and i know once u join this business na then u will not get time for yourself..so it's better to not involve yourself in business right now..

Atharv: pls dad..I promise I won't disappoint you..I will learn properly..pls pls..

Vir: cheeseball..I am [he was interrupted by him]

Atharv: don't call me that..I m not baby anymore..

Vir: you are still a baby for me cheeseball..ok fine u want to join business na..[he nodded] then u can join it..[he became happy] but only on a condition..

Atharv: what condition?

Vir: promise me..you won't over work..u will enjoy your life..u will not keep yourself busy in these works all the time..

Atharv: [smile] promise dad..thanks for giving me a chance..I won't disappoint you..

Vir: [hug him] I m already proud of my son..I know he won't disappoint me..[break the hug] 10am sharp..in my cabin..

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