Chapter Six

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Word Count: 1906

Chapter six- Celestial Beings & Alcohol

The only problem, the only problem with what I was looking at; was that I wasn't looking at anything. I could feel the rope rubbing on my wrists. I groaned, my head was killing me. I wasn't surprised, they probably threw me around while I was unconscious. I felt like I got thrown off of another cliff.

Now that I think about it I was on my side. I stretched loudly, groaning as I shifted and popped my back. I bit back a loud yelp when I leaned too far and landed on something sharp.

"Looks like that weirdo is awake, LEO!" The man's voice sounded from a few steps away. Another set feet hit the ground nearby. I sat up, pulling my torso up so my hands were hidden behind me.

One of them took the blind fold off of my face. The room was still dark, a dim gaslight off to the side dimly lit. The two people in front of me, Leo must be the more feminine of the two, since the gruffer voice seems to belong to the gruffer looking man to the side.

"Good. We have questions for you." The Leo person said it with courage, but even in the dim light I could tell she was nervous.

"I have a question too." She looked at me with her eyes widening. Maybe my voice throws them from my appearance. I am often mistaken as a man from humans, but these two didn't seem human. At least not ones I was familiar with.

"You're a woman?" The bearded man spoke in shock. I frowned.

"I'm not a human." I said it to confuse them more. The less they know, the safer they are and the less I have to worry about.

"Shit. That explains how..." the guy trailed off, leaving Leo looking at me like an animal. She nodded, placing her hand on her hip as she pondered.

"How you survived falling out of the sky." My eyebrows shot up. That would explain the pain in my head.

"Ah." The guy looked at me incredulously. Like I really was an alien. I chuckled, unable to contain it.

"Now I have two questions." Leo looked at me like I was insubordinate. I was, I didn't care about her position of power.

"Shoot I guess..." I smiled, popping my neck before straightening up, my hands still behind my back.

"Where am I?" Leo put her hands in her pockets.

"The dump. An interdimensional pocket that was created when inconsistencies began. It's been a total shitshow for a few centuries now." She looked angry. Confused maybe.

"What about that second question?" The burly man asked from his chair. He sat awkwardly, like he's never sat in a chair before. I smiled like a devil in disguise before standing up.

"Who's kinky ass tied these ropes?" The ropes in my outstretched hand to Leo as I brushed myself off. She laughed, taking my hand and dropping the rope.

"Roger did. Come on. I've got lots to show you." She took me up winding stairs, misshapen and a collage of different materials. We make it to the roof and the world I see is, I think the best word for it would be breathtaking.

Purples, pinks, maroons, yellows, blues, oranges and everything in between. The sky was on fire with the colors. Yet I could still see all the stars, and a nearby planet too, icy rings surrounding its greenish color with pinks and blues that I knew could kill you with a touch. The city below our feet was lit up with yellowing lights and the like.

Darkened buildings with lights on, the drip of leftover rain flowing through the gutters. A potted plant in a nearby window sill was only a little wilted. The fluffy grey cat next to it in a loaf-like shape looked pleased. Its yellow eyes were wide when it purred at me. Cute.

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