Chapter Eight

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Word Count: 2072

Chapter eight - Remi

"That's one of my names. You can call me Remi for now. The humans have all been so creative with their names and languages. It makes my heart lighter knowing that; that even with the events that have been happening, humanity has kept on going. Don't get me wrong, they have their own sort of corruption, but they are un-touched" They rambled with a glint in their eyes, the flickering multitude of them continuing to happen. I got used to their ever changing features, masculine to feminine, to neither. I thought that was what was really neat.

"Hades is here too." I stated, forgetting to verbally respond to their last statement. I quickly remembered and tried to quickly save myself from flopping around like a fish in the conversation.

"Remi's a good name-great name. I like the name Charles, Charlie. Even Chuck. Eugene too..." I stumbled over my words. Still better than a fish I suppose. They chuckled, taking another sip of the drink. The glass replenished itself again and again. It was mesmerizing.

"Don't worry darling, I could hear where your thoughts went. Thank you for the compliment. I know that Hades has been here, he doesn't remember me yet. He does remember some though. Primera's influence has less hold through the veil but it's a hold nonetheless." They frowned, their mouth changing multiple times through the movement.

"Primera's influence?" My question made them sigh. They downed all but a swallow of their wine, the glass refilling quickly.

"Let's start with what you do know. This way I can maybe provide some insight as to what is really going on." I nodded slowly to what they said. Then I started. I told them everything, even though I knew that they already knew everything they wanted to know.

As I kept going I recognized the lies and holes in the story Primera had told me and made me believe. I wanted to curl up into a ball and disappear. All her words and evidence were flimsy at best; and I believed her. I believed every word. All those lives.

I gagged and suddenly there was a bucket in front of me. I was throwing up what I hadn't digested. Which wasn't much. All that really came up was bile. Bubbly and hot, burning my throat. I was crying now too. Hot tears ran down my face and into the bucket. I felt a hand on my back, going in circles as I kept gagging and eventually nothing was left.

I had told her about how Primera had found me. Said she had felt my presence, that I was distressed. That she had found me next to my mother's cold body, that she had been killed by the village as a witch. Looking back now she was probably a medicine woman, who would have been valued by the community.

She raised me, told me how the Angels had forgotten their place. Forgotten God, their creator. Stories about how some abused their power because as the humans say, "Power comes from belief," and God was locked out because they had forgotten who created them.

Primera had never really explained why I was the Chosen One, why I was different, with three types of blood. Why I had to be the one to punish the angels and bring God back. She discouraged what she considered to be false information, calling it propaganda from the rebellion.

But, the rebellion didn't fight, I would know since I was the only one out in the field usually. Another thing, she had angels on her side, the mortal and the 'converted' angels who she has claimed to have fought many battles successfully. I felt like a fool.

And the reminders. Oh, God the reminders. "You need to save everyone.", or "This is your fate, you avoid visiting the future but this is how it will end.", "You were chosen to do this, an honor you should take seriously.", "Our soldiers are dying everyday that you are sitting here, instead of being out there, doing your job." "Honey, I know how difficult this is, but sometimes you need to smile through the pain." Slice, after cut, after slice. The pain stopped being a problem after the first few years.

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