chapter 1

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Lisa pov

When i heard the alarm clock i woke up and turned it off its monday time to go to work again,yes i maybe the ceo but im not those kind of ceo whose a workaholic i prefer to be on a normal schedule,i got up went to take a shower,when i went down i saw breakfast was ready on the table i thanked the maid and ordered them to pls wake up Rose and tell her im off to work,i grabbed my keys and went out.

Fast forward

When i entered the company the empolyes were now saying good morning maam i just nodded and smiled back at them,im now at the office when i heard a knock i looked at the time and new who was it.

Lisa:come in
Jennie:goodmorning lili(said in a tired and weak tone but obviosly trying to hide it)
Lisa:good morning nini,are you doe eating breakfast?
Jennie:ah yes lili, how about you?
Lisa:yes nini im done

Jennie feels that shes about to throw up so she said...

Jennie:lili i gotta go now ill see ya later at lunch okay same time byeee(hurriedly said)

Lisa was sure somethings wrong with jennie but she doesnt know what is it.

Jennie's pov

I ran towards the restroom of my office yes i do have my own office becuase lisa said so perks when your best friend is the ceo but aside from that, when i entered the rest room i vomited i was wondering why but this time lately i always feel like i want to vomit,and yes my period is late thats when i remmember what kai did..... he forced me to have sex with him.... i took out a pregnancy test in my bag and tested it out and well..........Its POSITIVE i dont know what to feel at this point i was happy,scared,angry i wanted to tell kai about this so i texted him to meet me at the parking lot later tonight,kai isnt the best boyfriend but hes abusive hes the worst im not telling lisa because god knows what that woman could do to kai even if there friends i just dont want lisa to get involved in my problems with kai

Fast forward(lunch time)

Third persons pov

Jennie went to lisa's office to eat lunch well its normal for them already to eat lunch together earlier lisa caled and ask jennie what she wants to eat jennie said she wants dumplings and pizza so now shes of to her office to eat,but jennie has no plans on telling lisa that she was pregnant shes just well...scared of what lisa's reaction will be,when jennie went in to lisa's office she saw lisa waiting for her while using her phone when lisa saw her she put down her phone and tell jennie to sit down and eat,so jennie ate a lot,lisa is admiring jennie while she was eating jennie smiled at lisa and thanked her for the food and kissed lisa's cheek.

Fast forward at night time

Lisa Pov

Im now going home finally well im the only one in the building because employes left early i didnt notice the time so yeah,i stood up grabbed my jacket and my keys and went to the parking lot there i heard crying but i wasnt scared instead worried i know that voice very well she went to find here the cries were comibg from until she saw kai and jennie but jennie was on the floor with her lips wirh blood lisa hide in the corner of the car so she could hear whats going on.....

Jennie's pov

Kai:WTH how are you Fucking pregnant jennie!!!!!(angry tone/shout)
Jennie:you forced me remember you even tied me up idiot(angry tone)
Kai:(slapped jennie)how dare you shout at me,and by the way i dont want anything to do with that child so abort it
Jennie:NO i will not abort this innocent child because of your selfishness
Kai:then pick jennie me or that fucking child(angry tone)
Jennie:i would pick this child mark my words kai you i will never let you see my child once i give birth
Kai:GLADY (slapped jennie and was about to punch but then....

Lisa pov

I cant take this anymore i went out of the car i has hidimg and helds kai's arm and punched him Kai was surprised and scared oh hell yea he has a lot of reasons to be scared of,i grabbed his colar and continue punching him

Kai:Lisa pls stop(begging tone)
Lisa:how could you do that to jennie i trusted you for her but no you just hurted her and you forced her to have sex with you what the fuck is wrong with you(angry tone) said while still punching kai
Kai: im sorry lisa
Lisa:your not getting close to jennie niether that child on her tummy Mark my words kai i wont let you near jennie ever again(angry tone)
Kai:im staying away from them lisa i promise just pls stop im gonna die(begging tone)

Lisa didnt stop but when jennie hugged her and she heard jennie's sob while jennie said"pls lili stop i dont want you to go to jail if he dies"finally lisa stops and hugged jennie back,lisa holds jennie's hand and went to her car...

Lisa:you have a lot of explaining to do but for now you need to rest
Jennie:okay dont drop me home drop me in this hotel instead
Lisa:why nini?
Jennie:(just looked down)
Lisa:(hold jennie's hand)pls tell me nini
Jennie(sighed)my parents kicked me out of the house because im pregnant unnie jisoo tried to stop them but thet didnt listen
Lisa:(sighed)lets go to my home first okay
Jennie:okay lili

Fast forward

Lisa:nini were here,(see jennie sleeping peacefully)carried jennie went inside the house Rose was a lil bit surprised to see jennie,when lisa tucked jennie to bed in the room next to lisa,lisa explained everything to rose.

Rose:oww poor jenni unnie,what are you going to do now unnie?
Lisa:(sighed) rose can to go to this hotel with jisoo and get jennie's things
Rose:(nodded) yeah sure unnie but why?

Lisa:she will stay with us starting from now on(smiled)

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