chapter 3

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Lisa pov

Im now off to work jennie ask if she can come i said no ofc she is now in 6 months of pregnancy she needs to rest...

Jennie:pls lili can i come
Lisa:like i said no nini you need to rest
Jennie:plssss lili(pouted)
Lisa:no nini (stern voice)
Jennie:okay fine(sulking walked away)
Lisa:(sighed)nini come on you know you need to rest right(back hugged jennie)
Jennie:but lili i want to go to the office with you(tearing up)
Lisa:no no pls dont cry nini,how about you go to the office later at lunch is that okay
Jennie:yes thank you lili
Lisa:welcome nini i gotta go now bye nini(kissed jennie's forhead and went out)

Jennie pov

When lisa was out of the door my thoughts are overflowing, if lisa continues to be like this i might fall for her,but nope i love her already im just scared what if she doesnt like me back and just see me as a best friend....

Fast forward

Jennie pov

Im off to the companyto bring lisa's lunch,when i went inside the company employes were looking at me there maybe surprised by my visit well its been a long time since i visited here due to my pregnancy i just smiled back at them when i knock at the door i woman came and opened it she was looking at me rudely.....

Lisa:nini hi
Jennie:hi lili(a lil bit cold tone)
Lisa:you okay nini
Jennie:hmm yes
Lisa:sit down first nini,jade u can have lunch now
Jennie:(who the fuck is jade)
Jade: okay thank you boss( said a lil bit seducely and winked at lisa)
Lisa:( why did jade do that im such in big trouble well yeah me and jennie are not YET together but my nini gets jelous easily good luck lalisa)
Jennie:who's jade lalisa(stern voice)
Lisa:(here we go) jade well she' new asistant
Jennie:WHAT so you replaced me
Lisa:nono nini pls come down i didnt replace you its just temporary until your not yet back in the company
Jennie:you got a new asistant with out me knowing
Lisa:look im sorry nini
Jennie:it was a wrong idea to go here(said with tears almost falling) im going now
Lisa:nini wait!

Third persons pov

Jennie didnt listen she went out of the company and went home she knew that she will still see lisa later but she's gonna ignore her,when jennie reached home she went to her bedroom and slept.

Lisa pov

Oh no nini must be so mad at me she did have a point a got an asistant without her permission and yes i do need her permission because shes my original asistant,hayy what should i do know nini is mad at me,ill just buy her ice cream and dumplings she love's those

Fast forward

Lisa pov

I went home and brought dumplings and ice cream when i went inside i saw jennie in the living room wacthing a movie....

Lisa:hello nini
Lisa:(sighed)look nini im sorry pls forgive me
Jennie(stand up and went to the balcony to get fresh air)
Lisa:(went after jennie and back hugged her)nini pls dont ignore me im sorry nini pls what do you want me to do?
Jennie:just stay away from her dont fire her i know you need an asistant but i just dont trust her(cold voice)
Lisa:aww is nini jelous
Jennie(was about to leave when lisa back hugged her agian)
Lisa:sorry nini hehhehe

Fast forward

Jennie pov

Im now with lisa in her bedroom were gonna wacth a movie,while movie was starting i went closely to lisa and open her legs and snuggled into her neck while i was eating my dumpling and ice cream that lisa brought for me.

Fast forward(2 months later)

Jennie pov

Im now 8 months pregnant i dont want to do any gender reveal party because i want it to surprise me when i give birth,right now im packing my things with the help of lisa ofc were going to the beach for 1 week with Rose and Jisoo unnie im so happy i can be with her again were now done packing...

Lisa:there all done nini
Jennie:thanks for the help lili
Lisa:of course,by the way lets go
Jennie:ekkk lets go im so exited lili
Lisa:(chuckled)okay come on lets go

Lisa holds jennies hand and went tk the car there they saw jisoo and rose putting the bags inside the car...

Lisa:lets go
All:yeah letsgo

Everybody went inside the car lisa will be the one driving so rose and jisoo are at the back seat while jennie is sitting in the front seat beside lisa...

Lisa:nini you can go sit at the back you need to rest properly
Jennie:im fine here lili i promise
Lisa:just make sure you and this little/big bean are okay

Fast forward at the beach resort.

Jennie:woahhh lili this is so beautiful but why is there no people aroundLisa:well nini i own this placeJennie:what why didnt you tell me Lisa:you didnt ask nini

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Jennie:woahhh lili this is so beautiful but why is there no people around
Lisa:well nini i own this place
Jennie:what why didnt you tell me
Lisa:you didnt ask nini

Fast forward

Third persons pov

Lisa and jennie agreed to have the same room because of jennie's pregnancy so lisa could look after her

Fast forward(night time)

Jennies pov

We were eat beside the rose,jisoo,and lisa were busy setting up and cooking our food while they dont want me to work there very protective of my baby in my tummy which ill give birth 3 weeks from now, i went close to the sea a little far away from the other when i heard a voice a voice that i swear i dont want to hear again......kai

Jennie:kai stay away from me
Kai:come down i just want to talk
Jennie:talk about what kai about how you left us well thank you because of that i found true people who are willing to take care of me and love me and this chil-
Kai:Lisa(stern voice)
Kai:you mean you found a person who truly loves you the only person i know is lisa
Jennie:what are you saying kai ofc lisa loves me she's my bestfriend
Kai:are you sure she just sees you as a best friend jennie(calm tone)
Kai:im not here to take you and the child back jennie yes i regreted everything i did but i know for sure i cant win you back and i cant be a father to our child because your right that child needs a parent who is not selfish and i cant get you back because your heart belongs to some one else already am i right.

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