chapter 2

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Lisa pov

I woke up the next day with someone shaking me from behind and it was jennie she was shaking me non stop i turned around and said....

Lisa:what is it nini its still very early
Jennie:lili why did you do that
Lisa:did what nini
Jennie:why is my things in your house now i ask rose she said that ill be living here from now on
Lisa:oh yeah why nini you dont want to live here with me
Jennie:(shake my head)no ofc i want to live with you but..(looked down)
Lisa:(held her chin to look at me) but what nini
Jennie:i dont want to be burden to you lili what if im going to give you a hard time because im pregnant(looked down tears was about to fall from her eyes)
Lisa:no nini you will never be a burden to me pls dont cry its not good for the baby

Third persons pov

Jennie just hugged lisa tightly and doesnt want to let go lisa hugged her back.

Lisa:come on nini time to eat breakfast
Jennie:(stood up and went to the dining table with lisa) lili what time are you going to the company?
Lisa:oh no dont worry about work nini i canceled today's work so every one has a day off and also so you can rest.
Jennie:you didnt have to do that lili u know i can manage

Lisa pretending she didnt hear anything anything jennie just rolled her eyes and lisa just chuckled.

Fast forward

Third persons pov

Lisa was doing something with her laptop when jennie called out her name

Lisa:yes nini
Jennie:im bored(went to lisa and pouted)
Lisa:(chuckled)What do you want to do nini?
Jennie:can we watch a movie pweaseee(pout like a kid)
Lisa:how can i resist you nini
Jennie:(sticked her tongue out) you cant lili hehhehe
Lisa:okay fine(i closed her laptop then jennie crawled to her lap and sit leaning her head towards me she snuggled her head in my neck an i just hug her back god i live this girl so much)

Fast forward (1 month later so jennie is already 4 months pregnant here)

Lisa's pov

I went home and brought cute baby stuff i know jennie's gonna love this when i went inside i saw jennie reading a magazine about babies.

Lisa:hi nini
Jennie:oh hi lili
Lisa:nini look i brought cute baby toys and stuffs didnt have to i still have money lef-
Lisa:i didnt ask nini i love giving this sweet little bean gifts (said while holding jennie's tummy)
Jennie:thank you for all of this lili
Lisa:your always welcome nini

Fast forward at night time

Jennie pov

Im trying to sleep but i cant its raining hardly so there's thunder and i hate thunder im scared of it badly im trying to calm myself down but i cant....i need lisa

Third person pov

Jennie went to lisa's bedroom and opened the door there she saw lisa sleeping peacefully she slowy makes her way towards lisa and snuggeld herself onto lisa

Lisa:what who is tha-,nini what are you doing here (softly said)
Jennie:just let me be pls lili im scared of thunders and i cant sleep(hugged lisa tightly and burried her head into lisa's neck)
Lisa:oh okay(hugged jennie back and went to sleep)


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