chapter 4

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Jennie pov

What is kai saying that im i sure lisa only sees me as a best friend in so confused right now.....

Kai:and that someone else is lisa am i right
Jennie:why are you telling me all of this kai
Kai:because i want you to be happy with lisa jennie i did things that is very bad to you all i can do now is to help you find the person that will take good care of you and i know its lisa jen do you want to know why
Jennie: why
Kai:because,lisa and i were friends back then when lisa met you she said she liked you already but i was selfish i courted you and lisa thought that your happy with me so she let me be with you but she said if i hurted you i will regret it and she was right i regreted every part of it jennie,lisa let me love you even if it hurted her because lisa loves you jennie your not just a bestfriend to her jennie
Jennie:lisa likes me
Kai:no jennie lisa LOVES you and im just here to say that to you pls be happy jennie with lisa and im very sorry pls forgive me after this ill go back to my hometown and leave you guys here just pls forgive me jen
Jennie:thank you for telling me this kai and i FORGIVE you
Kai:thank you jen,i got to go now if lisa sees me here im gonna be dead pls take care of yourself and the baby with lisa pls say to lisa im sorry
Jennie:i will bye kai
Kai:bye jen

Third persons pov

Lisa saw jennie and kai talking so she went close to hear them whe kai left lisa was still hiding but her mind had gone blank she didnt even notice that jennie was already at her back

Lisa:OMG,oh je-jennie hi (nervous)
Jennie:we have a lot to talk about lalisa
Lisa:i know nini bu-
Jennie:(kissed lisa lips)
Jennie:i love you lili
Lisa:will you be my girlfriend miss jennie kim
Jennie:(chuckled)it will be my pleasure miss lalisa manoban

Lisa and jennie kissed,lisa said"finally your mine nini",jennie(chuckled)

Fast forward(1 week in there house)

Jennie pov

When i wake up next morning lisa wasnt by my side i smelled something amazing so i went down i saw lisa cooking so i back hugged her

Jennie:good morning lili
Lisa:good morning nini(turned around and kissed jennies lips and kneel down and kissed jennies tummy),and good morning to you to baby
Jennie:what tou cooking lil
Lisa:your favorite ofc
Jennie:thank you lili
Lisa:welcome nini

Fast forward(dining table)

Lisa:nini lets eat
Jennie:okay lili
Lisa:by the way nini when are you giving birth?
Jennie:2 weeks from now lili
Lisa:are you excited?
Jennie:to be honest lili im scared
Lisa:its normal to be scared nini,dont worry ill be there right next to you

Fast forward(2 weeks)

Lisa:Nini i will go to the company now

No responce

Lisa:NINI where r you

Lisa went up to there bedroom seeing jennie holding her tummy her water broke

Jennie:lili it hurts(tears on her cheeck)

Lisa helps jennie and get jennie to the car and drove to the hospital

Lisa:shhhh its okay nini come down were at the hospital now

Nurse:maam she needs to go inside now
Jennie:lili pls come with me
Lisa:can i miss
Lisa:lets go nini

Fast forward(inside the room were jennie is giving birth)

Doctor:come on miss push
Doctor:1 more
Doctor:last one miss kim
Lisa:come on nini last one


Lisa:its a girl nini(happy tone)
Jennie:its a girl(said in a weak tone)
Doctor:whats her name miss kim
Lisa:amazing name nini(kissed jennie forhead)
Doctor:miss lalisa we prepared a private room for you guys you can wait there while we clean up miss kim and the baby
Lisa:okay thank you doc

Fast forward

Rose and jisoo visits

Rose:awwww look at our cute baby ella
Jisoo:she looks so cute she got mandu cheecks like jennie
Jennie:unnie did you say i look like a mandu
Lisa:jisoo unnie is kinda right,nini
Jennie:what did you say

Rose and jisoo left

Lisa:yes nini(carrying ella)
Jennie:can i put your last name on ella
Lisa:(shocked put ella on the crib)what
Jennie:i know manoban is a very well known name but can i put it on ella's birth certificate
Lisa:ofc you can(excited tone)
Jennie:okay come here i need cuddles
Lisa:your not a baby anymore nini
Jennie:im still a baby your baby
Lisa:okay2(went to jennie and cuddle with her)
Jennie:dont leave me pls lili
Lisa:i wont ever do that nini


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