chapter 6

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Fast forward(3 weeks)

Jennie pov

Im sad o fell that lisa has been ignoring me for the past few weeks i didnt know why but whenever i ask her about it she said that it was nothing and she's sorry that i felt ignored....haysss

Lisa pov

Jennie thinks im ignoring her well i am but its for a surprise im going to....propose yes you heard it right im going to propose and today is the day im doing it.....just need a little help from rose i was about to call rose but then my phone rang its...rose?

Lisa:hello rose i was about to call you but why did you call me?
Rose:YAH lalisa where the heck are you jennie called me she sounded that she was on the verge of crying she said taht your ignoring her what the heck is going throuh your min-
Lisa:ROSE calm down all of this is for a surprise and i need your help
Rose:hmmmmm what can i get if i help you
Lisa:ill book you and jisoo a flight to france
Rose:whats do you need me for
Lisa:i want you to go shopping with jennie and buy her something like a dress and take her to the salon and more
Rose:why are you doing this unnie
Lisa:im going to propose to her
Rose:ekkkkkk finally but where
Lisa:when your done with all the stuff with jennie take her to my beach house
Rose:okay ill go there with jisoo but why there unnie
Lisa:that was the place were jennie and i became i couple that beach is a very important place for both of us
Rose:On it unnie see ya there and advance congratulations
Lisa:thanks lil sis hopefully you and jisoo will get engaged soon
Rose:(chuckle)hopefully unnie,i got to go now im starting my mission you gave me
Lisa:okay okay bye lil sis love you
Rose:bye bye unnie love you too

Jennie pov
I was about to lay down when i heard a phone call it was rose...

Jennie:hello rose
Rose:oh hello unnie
Jennie:whats with the sudden call
Rose:oh i was about to ask you if we can go to the mall and go shopping so you can feel a little bit better
Jennie:im not quite in the mood rose
Rose:pls unnie
Jennie:okay okay
Rose:thank you unnie

Me and rose went to the mall rose is kinda weird today she brought me to a dress shop and bought me a dress and asked me to wear it then she brought me to the salon to get my hair done....

Jennie:roseee why are you doing this
Rose:well um i(god think rose)ah oh because i just want you to feel better unnie
Rose:unnie are you hungry?
Jennie:kind of
Rose:Lets go somewhere i know a great place to eat in
Jennie:why not here in the mall?
Rose:ill tell you later

Rose called jisoo to pick them up and drive them to the venue were lisa is already waiting....few minutes jisoo arrived

Jisoo:sooo lets go
Rose:oh yes unnie you go first someone is calling on my phone
Jennie:okay but hurry up rose im already hungry
Rose(chuckled)of course unnie

Fast forward at the venue

Rose:unnie can you pls put this blindfold on pls
Jennie:why rose were just gonna eat
Rose:i promise unnie when you wear this blindfold your dreams will come true
Jennie:thats weird but fine

Rose put the blindfold on jennie and led her to where lisa is at....rose signed lisa to go behind jennie and kneel down....

Rose:unnie im gonna leave you here okay but dont take off the blindfold let count until 1 to 5 then take out the blindfold then look to your back..

Jennie had a weird feeling about it but she still did it...


Jennie took her blindfold of then look to her back there she saw lusa kneeling infront of her...

Lisa:hi my love i know that you have been feeling sad because i was ignoring you to be honest it was all part of my surprise to propose to you...

Lisa took out a ring from her pocket and said...

Lisa:jennie kim,my love,my nini,and my forever best freind i loved you for so long and its a blessing to call you mine and here i am hoping that you would give me the chance to spend my whole life with you nini.....WILL YOU MARY ME?

Jennie was stunned but very happy tears were flowing out her cheecks rose was right all her dreams are coming true with a lovely smile ad tears of joy she answered....

Jennie:YES lili i will mary you

Lisa puts the ring in jennie's finger and hugged her tightly then kissed her lips passionately for a minute then said...

Lisa:i love you jennie kim manoban
Jennie:i love you more lalisa manoban

Rose,jisoo,and jennie's parents cheered for the new engaged couple

Rose,jisoo,and jennie's parents cheered for the new engaged couple

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Jennies outfit

Jennies outfit

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Lisa outfit

Lisa outfit

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The ring

Thank you so much readers i know i didnt update for a long time a was just quite busy but thank you for the 100 people who read this story im ending it here because i will make another story im still figuring out whats the theme of it but ill start making it as soon as possible hopefully you will still continue to read my stories

THANK YOU🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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