chapter 5

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Jennie pov

Were now home ella is with lisa right now she loves being with lisa witch is soo cute im now heading down to them...i hear them playing...

Lisa:baby ella you soo cute you know that(cute voice)
Jennie: hi lili
Lisa:oh hi nini
Jennie:and hello to you baby ella(gets ella from lisa)
Lisa:(back hugged jennie)your such a good mama
Jennie:thank you lili
Lisa:im just gonna go make us food okay(kissed jennie lips and forehead)
Jennie:okay lili

Fast forward

Lisa pov

Im now making food for jennie while jennie is with ella....

Lisa:nini food is ready(walked towards jennie and hugged her)
Jennie:okay lili but ill just put ella in the crib
Lisa:okay nini
Jennie(kissed lisa lips)okay wait for me in the dining table
Lisa:okay nini

Fast forward(dining table)

Lisa:nini you okay
Jennie:um well no lili
Lisa:why nini are you feeling okay
Jennie:yes lili im just thinking about...
Jennie:does my parents still hate me lili,i want ella to know her grandparents but i think they still dont want to see me because of what happend
Lisa:nini its not your fault you were forced remember but nini if they ask for your forgiveness wil you forgive them
Jennie:ofc i would lili its just i dont know if they still want to see me
Lisa:dont worry nini i knoe they still want to see you
Jennie:how do you know lili
Lisa:i just have a feeling nini

Fast forward(2 weeks)

Lisa:nini im going to work now
Jennie:okay lili
Lisa:bye nini(kissed jennie lips)and bye to you too baby ella(kissed ella forehead)bye nini
Jennie:byeeeee lili

Fast forward(afternoon)

Jennie pov

Im now heading to the company with ella im going to surprise lisa and eat with her today i asked lisa if she was busy in the afternoon she said no so thats why im going there with ella so we can have a little of bonding time while eating lunch,when i went inside the company employes bow and greeted me well yes they bowed because im lisas partner even though i said not to....

Lisa:come in(cold voice)
Jennie:i feel like someone had a bad day
Lisa:(surprised)nini what are tou guys doing here(happy and immediatly stand and went to jennie kissed her lips and carried ella from the stroller and kissed ella forehead)
Jennie:were here to eat lunch with dada right ella
Jennie:but i think someone is having a bad day
Lisa:well everythings all better now that you guys are here,ill order us food
Jennie:okay lili sorry i cant cook for now i was taking care of ella
Lisa:aww its okay nini,what do you want to eat
Jennie:ill have mandu and ramen lili
Lisa:good choice i also want a mandu you know
Jennie:yah copycat
Lisa:(chuckled)no not the mandu tour talking about
Jennie:then what
Lisa:this mandu(kissed jennie lips and cheeks)
Jennie:yahhhh(blushed,slap lisa arm playfully)

Fast forward(4 years later)

Jennie pov

I was sleeping when i heard laughter downstairs i stood up i didnt see lisa i went to ella room but she wasnt there then i knew they were downstairs when i went down i saw lisa cooking in the kitchen and ella eating parents

Jennie's mom:lisa your cooking is amazing do you know that(while feeding ella)
Jennie's dad:i agree this are wonderfull
Lisa:thank you auntie and uncle
Lisa:yes baby
Ella:(pointed at jennie who was watching them from the stairs)
Lisa:(went to jennie)sorry nini i didnt wake you up they came here at 6am
Jennie:its okay lili(wiped the flour on lisa face and kissed her lips)ill talk to them and you go change
Lisa:(giggles)okay nini(pecked jennies lips and left)

Jennie's mom:(went to jennie and hugged her)im sorry jennie we shouldnt have done that were very sorry (said with tears in her eyes)
Jennie:(hugged her mom back)its okay mom im also sorry
Jennie's dad:(hugged jennie)im sorry jennie i said hurtful words to you
Jennie:(hugged her father back)im sorry to dad
Jennie's dad:(saw lisa at the stairs listening to them)lisa come here
Lisa:(walked closely)yes uncle
Jennie's dad:(hugged lisa)call us mom and dad thank you lisa for taking care of jennie for us
Lisa:hugged back no problem dad
Jennie's dad:enough drama group hug!(carry ella)

Group hug

Jennie's dad: too bad jisoo not here
Lisa:also rose
Jennie's dad:where is rose
Lisa:rose started her own comapany shes busy so she cant come home she has a house where her company thats were shes staying.
Jennie's dad:wait is jisoo and rose working together
Lisa: well yeah and they are also living together(laugh)
Jennie's dad:looks like this little one is asleep already(look at ella sleeping in his arm)
Lisa:oh(carry ella)excuse me ill put ella to bed(left)
Jennie's mom:lisa seems very husband/wife material right jennie
Jennie:ofc she is mom
Jennie's dad:when are you guys gonna get married i want lisa to be my daughter/son in law
Jennie:yahh dadd
Jennie's dad:okay fine we will wait foe you guys to get married i hope lisa will propose to you soon

What they didnt know is lisa was listening to there conversation and jennie's dad was right she will confess to jennie soon jennie just needs to wait i few more weeks so everything will be ready

Lisa:(just you wait nini im so excited to propose to you just wait a little more my gift for you is still not here im already holding the ring im just waiting for the gift nini)

Sorry for all the fast forwards guys but im trying to make this story short so i can make another story.💗💗💗

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