Chapter 2

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Asalam mu alaykum.  Have u read namaz yet???? Here's the next chapter.

" WHAT? !!!" We all screamed at once.

"Where is she-"

"-how do you know-"

"-who told you" 

My perents bombard him with questions.

" Forget that lets go. " I said.

I opened the door to the stairs and took my jabbah off the hanger and quickly put them on along with some flats. I took mums jabbah and handed it to her.  After pinning my scarf up and putting on my niqaaab  I gave mum there shoes and dad theres. That seemed to brake them out of there trance.

" Saif biya where is she?" I asked.

" Huddersfield road" he answered. 

As one we left the house.  Saif biya mum and dad power walked as I locked the door.  I walked as fast as I could to catch up to them.  Once we turned the coner we saw the crowd that had gathered.  Pushing past them, we came to the middle and saw a man had put his jacket under attiyas head. Attiya was unconscious and bleeding from her head.  Mum started crying.

"Has anyone called an ambulance!" I shouted. I didn't get an answer I rang for an ambulance and gave the phone to dad. I turned to mum to comfort her.

Saif biya had lost control. He grabbed the man by his coller and shook him.

" Who did this? Who did this?" He shouted at him.

The man put up his hands scared " it wasn't me! It wasn't me!"

" saif biya leave him and cheak if shes breathing"

Slowly Saif biya let go of his coller and put his finger under her nose. I heared sirens as the ambulance and police came. The ambulance quickly put attiya on a streacher and put her in the ambulance checking her pulse.

"Only one person can come with us" the ambulance person said.

" Saif you go with them will follow behind in the car" dad insructed.

Saif biya nodded his head. He got in to the ambulance and we began making our way out if the crowd to the car.

"No no.  Thata not what happened.  The car came and hit her. She went over the top of the car and came back down." We heard someone say.

" no I was here I saw it with my own eyes.  She was hit by the car, went as high as mona lisa fashion shop and came back down again." Someone else said.

" yea that's what happened and the guy who saif was shaking was the one who knocked her over"

Mum began to cry and I led her home my own eyes stinging.  As soon  as we got to the car dad opened it and we got in. Dad took a short cut to the hospital. No one spoke. All lost in there own thoughts. 

As soon as we got to the hospital dad parked up and rang saif biya. We got out of the car and closed the doors.

"  we're at the hospital now where are you?" Dad asked as he locked the car door. "Ok were on our way."

I walked with mum as we followed dad. After a while we reached saif biya who had his face in his hands.

" Saif" dad called out.

Saif biya saw us and stood up.  His face covered in tears.

" Instead of arguing I should have picked her up" he sobbed. " I should have  picked her up"

My dad hugged him as he cried. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I supported mum.

After what seemed like hours a doctor came to us.

" Attiya Batool" he asked.

" Yes " we answered.

" She's fine." Relief flooded us. " thank god" we said as one

" the accident caused her to loose three back teeth and a cut on her head. We have stiched up the cut. She is asleep at the moment and ready to take up to the ward."

We smiled and thanked him . The double doors behind him opened as two nurses brought out a wheely bed with attita asleep on it.a part of her head was shaven were she had the stiches and was a bit pale. We followed the nurses to an lift and got in with her. One nurse  pressed a button and the lift began to move.  Once it stopped we followed them to a room with other beds and people.

The nurses picked her up and laid her the bed. We thank her and drew the curtains once they left. Mum sat on one side of the bed and saif biya sat on the other.  Dad sat on the chair. I leaned against the wall and folded my arms, starting at her. Waiting for her to wake up.

I remembered how she had come back from school and was in a rush to get to Maddrasah a few hours ago and now shes on a hospital bed. Oh how she loved her hair and now a part of it was cut. I smiled as I knew what she would do.

"Shes gonna kill us" my voice croaked as I spoke. Clearing my throat I tried again. "She's gonna kill us. She'll be like how could you let them cut my hair. My precious long hair "

" Then Saif will lecture her for shouting" mum chuckled.

Just then my phone vibrated and a tune began to play. I looked  and saw it was the alarm I had set for iftari.

" the fast has opened. "

" what are we going to do iftari with there's nothing here."

"Me and saif biya will get some water and snacks from the vending machine.  When we go home ill make some roti."

Saif biya stood up and we both silently walked to the vending machine and got four bottles of water,two crisp packets and two chocolate bars. We began to walk back to the room she was in.

I cleared my throat " you know...." I began " its not your fault."

I knew saif biya was blaming himself for this and he needed to know it wasn't his fault. He didn't do any wrong.

" it is my fault. If I wasn't..... if I hadn't. ....if id just gone to get her ..... she wouldn't be in hospital right now."

" After hardship comes ease. Surely aftet hardship comes ease.

Besides everything happens for a reason.

Remember life is a test. Allah might be testing you right now.  To see wheather youll continue to be thankful to him , to remember him , to turn to him in your hour of need or are you gonna ignore him and blame him."
We entered the room she was in and made are way to her bed.

" besides you have nothing to worry about.  The doctor say shes only cut her head and broke three teeth.  Shes fine. Stop wollowing in despair"

Saif biya smiles and pulls back the curtain a bit and walk in. saif biya give dad a water bottle and I one to mum
I open bottle and drink drain it in seconds.

Asraghfirullah!! I was supposed to take three sips first.  Tomorrow in sha allah.

After reading the iftari dua we share the food we brought. Then we mum and dad kiss attiyas head. As we walk out we ask a nurse to inform us when she wakes and then take a lift to the hospitals faith room. After reading Maghrib we head home.

And heres the end of the second chapter. In sha allah the next update will be after eid. Hope your all have an wounder full and blessed eid. XxXx oh and please read comment and vote khuda hafiz.

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