Mitsuri x Miri x Douma 🍋

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Hey there, this chapter is some sort of experiment.... some of you might like it, some of you won't.... anyways, enjoy reading :D


Mitsuri and Miri both look at Giyuu gleefully as he finally comes down the stairs to join them for breakfast. He looks even more tired and withdrawn than usual. Small strands of his hair stick to one side of his face looking like they haven't been brushed yet. Miri wondered whether he had even looked in the mirror this morning.

"Don't look at me like that." Giyuu grumbled and fell back in his seat. "It's not like you two never drink," he says and throws an accusing look at Miri. She cannot help but giggle at his words.

"Hmm... I think it's only fair after you fell asleep on my bed last night." Mitsuri counters smoothly and gives him one of her widest smiles.

Apparently too tired to argue back, Giyuu accepts his defeat and instead looks at all the food in front of him. Out of all the different delicious smelling pastries on the table, he chose a dry Peace of Bred. He wouldn't be able to enjoy the food anyway.

Douma, who had been watching the scene in silence until now, gives him an encouraging pat on the back.

"That's the price you have to pay... not everyone can regenerate that quickly," he says mockingly and Miri frowns at him almost pitifully. Giyuu tries to relieve his headache by running his hands through his disheveled hair.

"If you all had any idea of the things I dreamed last night... I think my brain was scrambled," he groans and tries to rest his head on the back of his chair. "You two..." he gestures with a sloppy hand between Miri and Mitsuri, "... you were making out right in front of me..." he tells them and takes his first bite of bread.

Miri felt like choking on her pancake. He remembered that?! With an alarmed look she glances to the side only to see Mitsuri mirroring her reaction with red cheeks.They didn't do anything bad or go behind his back. But for some reason, Miri still feels somehow exposed by Giyuu's statement.

"Hmm... such a dream?...interesting..." Douma hums innocently. He looks at Miri amused, but despite his perfect proker face, she is sure that his lip twitched for a moment.

Later that day

When it came to long nights at the bar, one would think they would have learned from Giyuu's previous escapades. But they didn't.

A little happier and more outgoing than usual, Miri and Mitsuri stumble into Miri's room. "Pssst," Miri hushes with red cheeks and gestures to Mitsuri to close the door. They didn't want to wake other people in the middle of the night.

When Miri turns around, she lets out a small yelp. Douma is lying in the middle of her bed, looking as sleek as ever. His eyes are already staring at her when she meets his gaze.

"Douma?" she asks, a little confused. He flashes her an innocent grin, as if he hadn't just broken into her room. Why was it that Douma always looked more murderous when he wore a smile?

A little skeptical, she follows Mitsuri, who has already claimed the lower half of the mattress to sit on.

"And what are you two gorgeous Hashiras up to tonight?" Douma hums in a sickly sweet voice while folding his arms behind his head. She didn't know if it was the alcohol or his dangerously luring gaze, but Miri felt drawn to him. Just as he intended.

"Where were you? We were at the bar and there were sooo many nice people," Mitsuri blurts out. She looks curiously at Douma while fidgeting with her pink and green pigtails.

Douma's obsession - Demon Slayer fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now