•Let Me Talk You Through It•

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***Summary: While on deployment far away, Simon takes a little time one night to video call you and talk you through you touching yourself to the sound of his voice. ***

The jingle plays repeatedly until the video call connects and the image of you pops up the screen, laying on your side propped on your elbow as you seem to be just waking up for the day. A few stray rays of sunshine creep in from the side of the picture and shimmer through the strands of your hair so that even in your sleepy, disheveled state you still look like a painting. Simon keeps his camera off for the moment, but his voice comes through clear as day over the speakers; the connection is actually decent this time around.

"Well 'ello there gorgeous. Surprised to hear from me? It's been a fuckin' minute, hasn't it? I know it's pretty early there, but I finally have a bit of time now that everyone's asleep and I wanted to see ya."

Simon keeps his voice low and hushed, trying not to draw attention to himself as he lays in his cot in the dark, the only light coming from the screen of his phone. His earbuds are plugged in so that he can hear everything with keen precision while keeping the others in his team from listening, just in case.

"You been doin' alright there, luv? Keepin' it all togetha for me till I get back? I know this time it's been a bit longer, but it ain't gonna be forever. I'll be back before ya know it and then you'll have me all to yourself."

There's a look on your face, something he immediately notices. A glint in your eye, a twitch of the corner of your mouth, a shift of your body as you adjust yourself under the sheets. Your texts to him over the past week, wondering when he would have time to actually call, were getting more and more desperate sounding and now reading your body language through the camera he is able to put it all together.

"Somethin' on your mind, sweetheart? Care ta tell me what it is? Or should I guess? Cause I think I 'ave a pretty good idea 'a what's goin' on."

He watches you bite your lip as you look away, a heat blossoming in your cheeks that flushes throughout your face. There it is, the sign he's looking for. There's only two reasons why your cheeks flush like that and you aren't known to be drinking this early in the morning.

"Are ya missin' me real fuckin' bad, is that it?"

You look back up into the camera and give a distinct nod. He understands it well, as he has been pining for you since the day he left. That's the other reason he has been trying to find time to make this call: he's been missing his girl real fucking bad and needs some special time with you and only you, even if it's just for a short video chat now that he is on the tail end of his assignment and he doesn't have to put as much focus into his work.

"Trust me, you ain't the only one, sweetheart. It's been a few weeks since I've been able to fuckin' see ya and there's things I've been missin' too: that pretty face a yours, wakin' up next to ya layin' in bed, the sound of your hummin' comin' from the kitchen as ya make breakfast..."

He trails off a moment with his thoughts as he lowers his voice until it's barely above a whisper, leaning his lips into the microphone built into his headphones just in case any stray ears are listening in. Simon thought he'd be able to get through a bit of small talk before starting in on this stuff, but it seems like your need for each other cannot be contained once you're in proximity.

You get him riled up without even trying. He clears his throat and continues the thought.

"...and if I'm real honest, I've been missin' other things too. The more intimate things like you naked underneath me, the sensation of your legs wrapped 'round my waist, makin' those sweet little sounds whenever I hit the right spot. It's been fuckin' eatin' me alive out here, not been able to take care of it. I swear every goddamn time I'm away from ya it's like I can't help thinkin' about ya nonstop. Can ya blame me? I mean, look at ya, luv. You're a goddamn dream. Christ, I've been gettin' hard just thinkin' 'bout what I'm gonna do to all those gorgeous curves the fuckin' minute I get back."

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