Chapter 12

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David wanted to have a good conversation with his wife. He carried Jacob to summer camp and returned home to talk. He knew Sarah would not be in the mood because dealing with her mother was a task alone. However, something had to be done. He was tired of seeing the cycle of hurt and pain. She would listen because he loved her too much for her to repeat the same cycle over and over again.

David embraced his wife with a warm hug. Sarah melted in his arms as he held her with so much love and care. David's warmth was always so sweet and sincere and it would soothe her thoughts with peace. "What is it?" she asked when he refused to let go. David took a deep breath and went for it. It was now or never. "Sarah, I love you and want what's best for you. You have to get a handle on this relationship with your mother. Have you considered counseling? This stronghold needs to be broken from over your life. You have to denounce this and get this burden from out of your life. I need you. Jacob needs you. This family cannot function without you.

Honey when you are happy I am happy. When I see you hurt I hurt too. That's why I am putting my foot down. Your mother needs to take responsibility for her actions. She needs professional help. You have done your part. It's time now for tough love. Let's put it in God's hands and focus on this family," David declared.

Sarah stared at her husband. He was so right. But how could she walk away? She didn't know why she felt the need to take care of her mother. Her mother did not have anyone else. Would it be easy to wash her hands from her after all these years? It would eliminate the burden to let go and finally be free. David started to get concerned. Did he say too much? Sarah was just staring in silence which made him worry.

"David, you are right. I need to let my mother fight for herself for once. I have done it for years. I still do not know why I feel the need to take care of her. It won't be easy at first but I know with the Lord by my side and your love and support I will get through it. Our family is the top priority. This is where my focus should be. Perhaps, a new edition to the Richardson family is exactly what we need," Sarah laughed and winked at her husband.

David was stunned. She agreed and she was open to a new baby. He didn't waste much time grabbing her in his arms and kissing her. "David," Sarah began to protest as he smothered her with kisses and hugs. "I guess you are pleased with my response," Sarah teased.

David held on to Sarah so much and simply whispered, "I love you!"

That night Sarah lay in bed praying and talking to the Lord. She decided that tomorrow was a new beginning. She would put her mom in a special home to get the help she needed. For once in her life she felt peace when it came to her mother. The chapter on rejection, hurt, pain, and depression would not be the order of the day. Her road to deliverance was just ahead and she knew God was ordering her steps.

Sarah arrived early to her mother's house. She made breakfast and gathered the boxes needed to pack her mother's belongings. Today her mother would get the help she needed. When her mom arrived in the kitchen Sarah was disappointed. She truly thought there was a breakthrough from the last time they talked. Her mother appeared to be suffering from a hangover. Sarah refused to respond and change her mind about today's events. She had already called the rehab recreation home and her mom was going to check in today. She had enough of this. She finally understood what David meant. She had to put her foot down. Ms. Adams looked up and saw the boxes in the living room. Suddenly, it felt as if she sobered up quickly.

"What is this?" Ms. Adams demanded. Sarah looked at her mother with the most determination she had in a very long time when it came to dealing with her. "You are going to check in today," Sarah said boldly. Ms. Adams appeared flustered and almost out of it almost immediately.

She knew for years Sarah threatened to put her in a home but never followed through with it. Somehow the look in Sarah's eye meant business. "Sarah, baby....... I promise to change," she choked up. "Don't do this to me," she began to sob. Sarah looked at her mom in shock. She never expected this reaction. Her mom was dwindling upon the news but it was too late. They both needed this. It was time for the changes to be made. "Mom, you need help. The help that you need I can't give you. I do pray that you can understand this," Sarah admitted.

Ms. Adams stood in shock realizing that this was not how she expected her day to go. "Sarah, how can you do this to me? You are abandoning me like your father. You are all I have left. How can you throw me away like this?" She retorted. Sarah looked at her mother with peace she had not had for a long time. She felt calm in this moment and was not going to allow anything to change her mind. She took her Mom hands with love and compassion. "Mom I love you. I am doing this because I love you. We both need this. God is going to take care of you in this process so there's no need to fear. I will visit you often but you need to be responsible for your life and not me," Sarah said softly. Ms. Adams looked at her daughter with love, anger, and frustration all at once. Sarah was finally standing up to her after all these years and was not budging or changing her mind. Good for her. However, she was not ready to face rehab. Yes, she was overdue and Sarah had cleaned up for her for far too long. Surely, she would get tired of repeating the same cycle over and over again. Ms. Adams was at a loss of words knowing that this was about to happen.

Sarah looked at her mother carefully. Was she going to throw a fit or tantrum? Lord, please do not let her be difficult, Sarah thought. She knew her mother avoided getting the help she needed. But she had to know that a breaking point would come one day. Sarah allowed love to be the healing factor now. She wrapped her arms around her mother hugging her tightly a move surprising both of them. Sarah was surprised that her mom did not say anything else. She received the hug and wrapped her arms around Sarah too. For once Ms. Adams knew it was time to give Sarah space, a life she deserved. The silence spoke volumes. Sarah and her mom hugged for a long time. It was the beginning of how their relationship should have always been. Ms. Adams helped Sarah pack her stuff and willingly went into the facility which would change her life.

Sarah was free from the spirit of rejection. Her breakthrough had come and felt as if a huge burden had been lifted from her shoulders. For once in a long time she felt healed and hopeful. The Holy Spirit had led her to this place and she felt grateful! The Lord had led her to this place.

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