Chapter 3

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Understanding New Feelings

The night wind blew caressing Faith's face gently. She suddenly felt cold and shivered momentarily hugging her bare shoulders. Daniel swallowed at the sight of her and was convinced he cared so much for her. She had slipped away from the reception and took a stroll in the gardens. "This will keep you warm," Daniel stated placing his jacket around her bare shoulders. "Daniel," she said startled. "I am sorry if I startled you," he said standing next to her. Faith mumbled under her breath, "Thank you." She hated to admit it but his jacket kept her warm and comfortable.

Daniel wanted to know everything about her life. "So, what have you been up to Faith Collins over the last decade?" he smiled.

Faith bit her bottom lip and smiled. Daniel could not help but zero in on her lips remembering how Faith would bite her lips even when she was younger and excited to share. He watched for the light in her eyes despite it being dark out and felt a rush of satisfaction that she was smiling and felt comfortable in his presence.

"There's nothing much to tell. I am a journalist for the town's paper and still active in youth ministry. I keep it simple and help out in areas where I am needed," she admitted.

"Faith Collins you are far from simple. You are beautiful, warm, and sweet. A minute ago, the guys at this reception were swarming you like flies. I guess they see how amazing and breathtaking you are. I can't blame them because your beauty shines from within, " Daniel continued.

Okay, Faith thought trying to wrap her head around the compliments. This could not be the annoying boy from her childhood all chivalrous with doting compliments that had her blushing way too much. This felt surreal and far from what she expected.

She too swallowed trying to figure out what to say to change the focus on him. By now she knew her face was red and her heart hammering near its tipping point. Daniel was different and she had to come to grips that something had changed.

"Well, what about you Sir? What has the infamous Daniel Munnings been up to over a decade since high school?" she asked. "Well, a lawyer by profession of course. I did some family law for a while but found my niche in real estate and cooperative law. So, I am flexible. Have traveled a bit but I am happy to settle back here in town permanently," he confessed.

Faith was shocked by that revelation. Daniel always seemed to want to get away from his hometown as far as possible to discover the world. Hearing him wanting to keep his roots in the town he grew up in was quite surprising to her.

Daniel giggled silently knowing her all too well. Faith was analyzing and processing what he shared. How would she react if she knew that part of his reason was to be close to her?

"What changed?" Faith asked curiously. "Let's say home is where the heart is. I have all I need right here and more," he admitted.

Faith was beyond stunned by his revelation. "And I owe you and your family so much love and gratitude," Daniel continued.

"Why?" Faith asked curiously. "You adopted me, a troubled teen with family issues as a part of your family, prayed for me, taught me about God, love, life lessons, and the list goes on. I don't know if I could have survived my parent's divorce or the death of my brother without Collin's family," Daniel stated firmly.

Faith touched his hands gently. "Daniel, you were important to our family so bringing you in was a pleasure," she announced. Daniel squeezed her hand gently not wanting to let go. For a moment they looked into each other eyes and Faith broke the connection. Daniel hoped he was not reading the signals wrong but it felt that Faith was nervous around him. He would do anything to have her feel something for him.

"And there is no special person in your life?" Faith teased. "Not at all. I have matured over the years. I have not been a saint but what I want now is stability and a lifelong partner to love and grow with," he emphasized. Faith did not know what to say to that. She was not used to this side of Daniel at all. "That's great," she said avoiding his eyes.

"I have given my life to The Lord and I want more for my life on so many levels. You see things differently when you awake and see how God sees you," he admitted.

Faith looked at him. Daniel, one of the cutest guys in school who girls were crazy about, was now focused on life's true meaning.

"What?!" he laughed as she stared at him as if he was from another planet. "Did I hear you right?" she asked again for clarity. "You did. I am different now because of who I serve," he smiled.

"Daniel, I am so happy for you," she said wrapping her arms around him with enthusiasm and excitement. Daniel gladly held her close appreciating the moment.

"Sorry," Faith said trying to compose herself. "For what?" he said. "You know......... hugging you impulsively like that," she smiled. "I am just happy to hear that after all these years you have made such an important decision for your life," she beamed.

"Thank you for sharing in my joy. But never apologize for hugging me. You can hug me as much as you like," he said.

"Wow, you are different," she said. "I guess I am," he said. "And you? Why is the lovely Faith not off the market?" Daniel joked.

"I don't know. I guess I am waiting for the man God has for me," she said. Daniel was quiet trying not to blurt out what was in his head "I am the man you have been waiting for."

"Really," he said trying to get her to open up more. "I dated for a while seriously after college but it did not work out. I met John and thought he was the one but we found out we wanted different things. I was close to being off the market but it just didn't feel right. I would have given up on being me and leave the town behind," she admitted.

"Any regrets?" Daniel asked trying to see if she was still in love with her ex. "No," Faith said without hesitation. "I am happy you are not of the market," he said looking directly at her.

Faith did not know what to read into his words. Daniel was looking at her with so much admiration and she was seeing him in a whole new light.

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