😡When their mad at you😡

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- She wouldn't get mad at you often but if she did it's obvious 

- She would shorten your conversations

- she'd be VERY cold towards you

-  she wouldn't hang out with you 

- Avoided eye contact

- she'd distant herself from you

- she couldn't stay mad at you forever tho

- you two would talk it out and she'd forgive you



- this girl wouldn't look at you in the eyes

- she would curse Spanish you 

- she would yell at you (even if you didn't do anything)

- It'll take her a while to calm down

Angel Dust

- He'll be sarcastic... VERY VERY VERY VERY SARCASTIC (even if you apologize)

- "Angel,... I'm sorry." "OH SURE! I forgive u! Yeah! Let's forget this WHOLE thing!" (R u F**kInG sErIoUs Rn BuDdY)

- He wouldn't be around you often for awhile 

- Yes there would be eye contact but......... not a happy one

- He wouldn't want to hang out with you

- he'd cross his arms around you 

- he'd scoff whenever you'd say something to him or other people 

- He'd roll his eye at you

-when he becomes calm... he'll be nice to you 

- then.... well... We ALL know what's going to happen


- We all know the type of demon he is

- he'd teleport away from you whenever you're close to him

- he would B A R E L Y even talk to you

- he would refuse to sleep with you

- he wouldn't look you in the eyes 

- he would stop telling you jokes

- he wouldn't play music around you anymore

- he would stop comforting you when you cry

- He would just walk away

- When he became calm he'll apologize to you

- Of CoUrSe YoU'Ll FoRgIvE hIm 


- He wouldn't talk to you AT ALL 

- He pretends that you DONT exist

- Charlie: "Hey Husk, why aren't you talking to Y/N?"

- Husk: "Who?"

- He would talk another language so that you don't know what he's saying

- BrO eVeN cHaRgEs YoU fOr YoUr DrInKs 

- when he's calmed down, he'll go back to being nice to you

- if he finds you doing the same thing to him, he'll be sad but he'll understand

- he'll make it up to you, and you'll forgive him

- Niffty

she'll NEVER get mad at you

Cherri bomb

- she'll stop hanging out with you EXCEPT if Angel makes you two (which he will) 

- she'll be out more bombing up buildings

- like Husk, she'll act like you don't exist

- she'll be more busy if you ask her to hang with you

- once she's calm she'll apologize OVER AND OVER AGAIN

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