Baxter catch-up

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Requested by: 0ddNerd_662

How you met:

You had worked in the hotel for a while having a really nice day until you heard a knock on the door. Everyone had looked at each other not really expecting company Charlie had opened the door only to see Baxter at the door. Nobody knew him and as he introduced himself he went down to the basement without permission, knowing the kind of person Charlie is she left him to do that. After a couple of hours, you have been bored and nobody to talk to, so you decided to check up on Baxter just for fun. As you knocked on his door you heard no answer so just went in by yourself not really caring about what would happen. As Baxter saw you he was shocked by your presence and since he knew he couldn't do anything he just told not to touch anything. He got upset with all the questions you were asking and decided to teach you since it was the only way for you to SHUT UP! Everyone was looking for you and calling your name so they decided to look in the basement where Baxter was. Everyone was shocked when they saw you two hanging out together.

When you cry

- He kinda unsure what to do

- he tries talking to you and tries distracting you from whatever is making you sad

- he makes a happy potion for you to drink and to be happy

- and ofc that'll work 

When he cries

NOT gonna happen

Nicknames he gives you

- assistant 

- babe

-annoying demon (don't be offended)

When you curse him out

- he's surprised why would you say such things

- he's offended but not that much

- "Okay Okay geez!"

- he keeps his mouth shut more so you wouldn't be mad

When he's mad at you 

- he'll just be pretending he's listening to you but he'll be ignoring you

- he'll tell you to stop talking 

- when you ask why he'll be straight forward telling you he's mad

- when you two talk it out he'll tell you not to do it again

When you're mad at him

- he's confused 

- he'll question you asking you why are you mad

- when you tell him he'll roll his eyes

- "Okay! I'm sorry!"

- if you're still mad at him he'll just leave you alone until you're calm

When he first fell in love

- He was getting used to you asking him so much questions

- he smiled while thinking about you

- when he realized he was smiling he knew right then he was in love 

- He tried thinking he has better things to do then being IN LOVE

- He facepalmed himself thinking he was stupid to feel this way

Who fell first

he did. He liked that you were there with him


- he was sick of you not knowing how he felt so he needed you to know immediately. He waited for you to come back down in the basement, it was for an hour of the waiting then you finally came down. He already knew you were going to ask thousands of questions so he waited for you to stop, as he waited you had to stop to catch your breath. When he heard you stop talking he started "Y/N, okay thank god you stopped talking because I have something to tell you...I-I LIKE YOU! I think you're cute, and funny, and cool, and smart." You were shocked and happy that he told you this since you felt the same way. "Bax!, I like you too!" He became happy with this and told you to come so he can show how to make a potion. 

When you're sick

- impossible he has a healing potion for that

You purpose to him

- "Hey Bax, let's get married!"

- he almost dropped his potion 

- "I'm sorry repeat that."

- "Let's get married"

- "ummmm... okay"

- he wasn't sure how to react to a sudden purposal

(Im sorry that it took THIS long, crazy stuff has been happening with my school so i've been busy)

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