If they accidentally hurt you

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Requested by: Radiohuskerdust05


- she tries to be careful around you but when she wasn't she freaked out


- you had to reassure her you were okay



- she kept apologizing to you telling you she's sorry and she'll never do it again.


- She was angry over something so you tried calming her down

- She fled her hand up in the air and her nails had accidentally scratched you

- She yelled something in Spanish and she was apologizing 

- When she saw there was blood she raced for the bandages 

- She kept apologizing like Charlie 

- She had to wipe some tears from her eye because she NEVER wanted to hurt you

- You kept telling her you were okay and that it was an accident 

- She apologized one last time and let it go

Angel Dust (this was painful 😢😢😢)

- He was having one of those mental breakdowns

- He kept swinging his hands and it accidentally hit you in the face 

- He felt insane when he saw you fall to the floor

- He was so scared if he hurt you bad

- He covered his head with the blankets and cried while apologizing over and over again

- trust me, he felt VERY VERY bad

- he felt like this worse demon in hell

- When he felt better he apologized again and tried to get over it


- He was getting annoyed by Angel always flirting with him cause he already knows he's dating YOU. 

- He picked up his cane ready to hit Angel with it hard

- As he tried to you were walking in the hallway just minding your business 

- Alastor had swung his cane to hit Angel in the face but he ducked and his cane hit you in the stomach.

- Then he realized and got scared 

- "I am SO sorry my dear"




- Before you could, he heal you up so he'd still live his life


- You were talking to him by the bar cuz you were on you're break

- He was kinda ignoring you because he thought you were talking sh!t

-  Angel thought it was funny to scare him with a cucumber 

- Husk had hissed while flinching and his bottle hit you in the head causing you to knock out

- The two cursed and took you to your room

- A few hours later, while Husk was beating up Angel, you had woken up

- Charlie was there too and she had to stop Husk from trying to kill Angel 

- He made Angel apologize and he had took care of you himself


- She was trying to stab some bugs with a knife she found 

- after a while Charlie took it from her giving her a broom 

- Niffty was running around with trying to kill them not knowing you were walking down the hallway

- She had accidentally hit you in the back of the head with it making you yell and scold her

- bish was too busy to even notice


- you both were in a turf war battling Pentious

- She was kinda focused on defeating him that she forgot about you

- she had jumped on your back thinking you were okay

- After the turf war was over she had noticed you were walking a little funny

- She questioned you about it

- Turns out she gave you REALLY BAD back pain

- She apologized a bunch of times and made you lay on the bed 

- she made you painkillers so the pain would go away

- after a few hours, you were better than ever 

- she was RELIEVED she didn't BREAK your back


- you both were making robots in his lab 

- the egg boiz thought it was boring they decided to spend time with you both

- Pentious had got mad with them and wanted to hit them 

- One of the boiz had picked a laser and Pentious tried to grab it

- Once he did, he didn't realize it was still on and it sting you

- He freaked out, yelling at the egg boiz to get bandages for you

- While they were gone, he apologized to you over and over again to the point where you got annoyed telling him to stop

- he told you to wouldn't happen again and he'll be more careful around you.


- You both were making potions (Well,.... really him. you were just being noisy)

- You were right behind him when he accidentally hit his acid potion and a bit of it hit you 

- you had screamed and curse him 

- "Well, that isn't MY fault! you shouldn't have been here!"

- he just gave you a healing potion 

- (ya'll are STILL arguing)

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