🤮When they're sick🤒

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( I cried while writing Angel's part)


- She doesn't regret getting close to you when you were sick because she loves you too much

- She kept blowing her nose and sneezing 

- you brought her favorite kind of soup and water

- You held her and rocked her to sleep 

- You refused to leave her side until she felt better 

- You kinda had to force her to take some medicine 


- She could've taken care of herself but she liked that you helped her out 

 - She stayed in bed because she didn't want anyone to be sick 

- You come and give her medicine and some water

- She tried getting rid of you but it was a fail

- womp womp (ToT)

-  She kept telling you she was fine but obviously it was a lie

- She admitted defeat and listened to you

Angel (I hate myself for doing this)

- Poor BB has food poisoning 😢 ToT

- He couldn't go to work til he was feeling better

- Luckily, Val FOR ONCE had a heart and let him stay in bed

- Angel couldn't even get out of bed because of the pain

- You had to take care of him for the WHOLE TIME

- he refused to take ANYTHING you gave him

- He didn't want any water ONLY drugs and alcohol (he was PISSED off when you said no) 

- You had to make sure he stopped crying cuz he's a baby.. (I don't mean that offensively, we all see him as an innocent baby)

- he was stubborn and I mean VERY VERY stubborn! (Husk has competition)

- when he was better, you... FINALLY got some sleep (but only for a few minutes cuz he was acting like a child and WOULDN'T let you close your eyes)

- to make matters worse, he gave you the.. *gulp* PUPPY dog eyes.. ToT 

- Help... he's TOO cute..


- he'll keep it secret from EVERYONE including you (until you found out)

- He's stubborn and I mean R    E    A    L    L   Y stubborn...

- he refused to take ANYTHING you gave him!

- when you threatened him then he listened (finally)

- Charlie helped you (bc she's a sweetheart)

- you MADE him sleep.. (don't ask me HOW)

- next day, he's back to his same old self!


- same as Alastor.. (they're both KINDA similar) 


- she IMMEDIATELY told you when she was sick..

- she told you how to help her

- she listened to EVERYTHING you said... (she's so adorable)

- she still cleaned the hotel BUT with your help...

- not stubborn..

- She grabbed you so you two can cuddle (DON'T try to leave her)

- obviously she's a sweet kid when she's sick


- She TRIED to act like she was okay (Failed)

- she kept telling you that she was fine and it wasn't a big deal (It WAS)

- she tried sneaking out but she kept getting caught 

- she called Angel to tell to chat since you were to busy taking care of her

- she refused to take anything


- ThE gReAt SiR pEnTiOuS dOeS nOt GeT sIcK! (yea ya do)

- he is S    T   U   B   B   O   R   N!!!

- you threatened him to shut up and he DID

- the egg boiz were just concerned and were questioning the two of you

- good thing they're in your care so pentious can't harm them

- He fell asleep a few times which gave you some F  R  E  E  T I M  E!

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