Bio: Jaune Forrest-Arc

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Full Name:
Jaune Forrest-Arc

17 (When he arrives in Redgrave; Biologically when he returns to Remnant)
29 (Chronological)

Huntsman-in-training (Former)
Major/Admiral (Current)

Beacon Academy (Formerly)
Arc & Forrest Families (Co-affiliated)
Federal Republic of Redgrave (Currently)

Eques Aureus (Golden Knight)

(Most of the time) Calm & Collected, Uptight (a bit), Confident
(With friends) Kind, Friendly, Funny, Sympathetic
(During Missions) Courageous, Strategic, Persistent

Likes: Austen and his wives (sees them as his second family), his girlfriends (will increase overtime), Team CFVY, Team CRDL, Ruby Rose, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, the Arc Family, Headmaster Ozpin, Beacon Staff, Winchester Family, His soldiers (sees them as a third family), Winter Schnee, Roman Torchwick & Neopolitan, Hei "Junior" Xiong, Melanie & Miltia Malachite, General James Ironwood, Pietro Polendina, Penny Polendina, Qrow Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Summer Rose (she didn't take the mission that kills her)

Neutral: Raven Branwen (will change overtime), Sienna Khan, Vacuo and Mistralian Councils, Hazel Rainart, Arthur Watts, Mercury Black, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee (will change overtime), Adam Taurus, Most of the White Fang, Ghira Belladonna, Kali Belladonna (will change overtime)

Dislikes: Weiss Gelé (Got disowned by Willow), Beacon Students, Tyrian Callows, the Creatures of Grimm, Valean Council (except Mr. Winchester), Atlesian Council, Salem, Cinder Fall, Emerald Sustrai, White Fang Extremists, Leonardo Lionheart, Jacques Gelé, SDC's illegal activities, discrimination, racism, abuse of power


Old Appearance

New Appearance

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New Appearance

Hunter Outfit (Sword Not Included)

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Hunter Outfit (Sword Not Included)

Hunter Outfit (Sword Not Included)

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