Chapter 3: Encounter, Assassination, Reaction, And Negotiations

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Arcadia City, Dragon Continent, Remnant

3rd Person POV

Three months after clearing the White Fang off the continent, the people, both from Redgrave and Remnant, have helped expand Arcadia City as more businesses appear that appeals to natives and outworlders alike. As this happens, some of the natives, who once belonged to villages that were raided by the White Fang, had joined the Military, who showed them that their military is more powerful than Atlas. Way more powerful than all of Remnant combined. If they were to call themselves a nation in Remnant, they would be known as the Constitutional Republic of Arcadia.

Despite this, the citizens still refer to themselves as citizens of Redgrave, even those rescued in the 4 Kingdoms

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Despite this, the citizens still refer to themselves as citizens of Redgrave, even those rescued in the 4 Kingdoms. Because of their new lives as citizens of this constitutional/federal republic, some of the huntsmen and huntresses that were rescued by Redgrave from either captivity or near-death, opted to join the Special Forces, as both officers, now elected as leaders of the entire system, establish a new Special Forces division known as the Hunstman Division.

Currently, both leaders are dealing with paperwork as the alarm suddenly started beeping. Austen turned the comm on as a Defense Force soldier answers.

DFS (Defense Force Soldier): Sir! Multiple airships and bullheads inbound!

Austen: What's their point of origin, soldier?

DFS: The Kingdom of Atlas, sir!

This revelation made Austen raise his eyebrows. However, Jaune knew why there's an Atlesian Air Fleet heading there.

Austen: Atlas? Why? In a normal day, or any day for that matter, General Ironwood wouldn't even send a single ship towards here. Unless...

Jaune: Unless they've been bribed.

Austen looks at his adopted son as he needs to confirm his suspicions.

Austen: You think this is SDC?

Jaune: Yup. This has SDC written all over it.

Austen: Why here, though? I thought they usually go after Menagerie.

Jaune: I don't know why, but I also think their after the humans who live alongside the Faunus. I suppose they were tasked to take anyone, whether human, faunus, or a hybrid of both.

Austen sighs as what Jaune said had made perfect sense. He composed himself as he looked at the soldier, with a serious expression.

Austen: Activate the defenses. Not a single ship must enter our airspace.

DFS: Yes, sir!

The feed of the soldier then cuts as the father-son duo sigh in annoyance and anger.

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