Chapter 2: Removing The Fang From The Dragon

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(A/N: Who should I add for the love interests from Remnant?)


Alpha Base, Dragon Continent, Remnant

3rd Person POV

A month has passed since both 16th and 56th Fleets arrived on Remnant. Ever since Jaune and Austen established a zone for the base, the Redgrave Engineer Corps has been at work. After two weeks, the base has already been set up. During the entire month, more scouting missions were carried out to find more suitable sites for bases and cities. A naval base is currently under construction, a spaceport is nearing completion, and the Engineer Corps has started building the city a few hundred meters away from Alpha Base, with some buildings already built. So far, they haven't been detected in Remnant's radars because of their ships' almost non-existent cross radar section. Outside Remnant, multiple colonies across the Oum System have been established as space stations, spacedocks, satellites, and orbital defense platforms are being built and launched. Currently, inside one of the CIC's of Alpha Base, we see both of the highest ranking officers in both fleets discussing about something. Those two are Admiral/Major Jaune Forrest-Arc and Grand Admiral/General Austen Forrest. The topic that they're discussing about is a Terrorist Group native to Remnant: The White Fang.

Austen: So, anything you want to tell me about the White Fang?

Jaune: They used to be a peaceful organization led by the current chieftain of Menagerie, Ghira Belladonna.

Austen: Belladonna? Is he related to one of your true friends?

Jaune: Yeah. He's Blake's father. Anyway, they used to do peaceful protests and demonstrations. It was working as the kingdoms start treating them with respect. But it was slow.

Austen: Too slow for some, I assume.

Jaune: Yeah. So when Mr. Belladonna stepped down, the Fang's new leader, Sienna Khan, took the mantle of leadership. And that is when the White Fang took on a more violent approach.

Austen: How violent?

Jaune: Right now, instead of peaceful protests, it's orchestrated acts of violence; such as car bombings, raiding dust supply lines, even kidnappings.

Austen: I see. Any branches we need to look out for?

Jaune: Yes. The most dangerous branch of the White Fang is the Vale Branch, as it is led by Adam Taurus, a bull Faunus who escaped a SDC mine as a kid; and from what Blake told me before, an absolute nut job.

Austen: Noted. And are there any Fangs in the Dragon Continent?

Jaune: Yeah. There are.

Jaune then projected a map of the Dragon Continent as dots appear on them.

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